Setting Up Adsense for Domain

With the launch of Adsense for Domain, people with a lot of domain have stared making some money out of their undeveloped websites!

People with 1 or 2 domains may not see any significant earnings. But there are people with almost 300 to 500 domains and they will surly make some good money, if not a living out of it!

Many people having spare domains mailed me asking for the procedure to add their domain to adsense for domain. Google itself provides a very good general step-by-step instruction to setup Adsense for Domain and instructions for some famous registrars. If you have registered your domain with any of the below registrars, then its best to read Google’s guide. Here is the list:
1. GoDaddy
2. Enom
3. Moniker
5. 1and1
6. Network Solutions
7. Yahoo! Small Business
8. My Domain
9. Domain Direct

If you have registered your domain with Dream Host, then here are some steps you need to follow:

1. Log into your DreamHost account.
2. In the leftside side bar, look for the Main Menu. Click on the Domains option and then on Manage Domains.
3. Now you can see these things.. “Domain”, “Registration”, “Web Hosting”, “Secure Hosting”, “Email”, “Actions”. You need to click on the Delete button present in the 3rd column i.e., below “Web Hosting” option. This is a mandatory step and you are not allowed to modify/edit the CNAME of your present domain without deleting this.
4. Now click on the DNS option in the first column, under Domain.
5. By default, Name Servers will be pointing to Do not alter this.
6. In the “Add a custom DNS record to”. Enter www in the Name field, select CNAME in the Type field and put (where pub-xxxxxxxxx is your unique ID listed on the AdSense setup page) in the Value field. Click on Add Record Now.

7. After successfully adding the CNAME, we need to add four A records, which is similar to that of adding CNAME.
Under “Add a custom DNS record to” Leave the Name field blank. In the Type field select “A” and in the Value field put

8. Follow step 7 and in the Value field put
9. Follow step 7 and in the Value field put
10. Follow step 7 and in the Value field put

11. Now log into your adsense account Click on AdSense Setup –> AdSense for Domains –> Add New Domains. In “Add Individual Domains” Enter your domain name(s), separated by commas, or each domain on a new line (max 100 domains allowed). Select English(recommended) as Language for your domain(s). Click on Add Domain button.

12. Select the domain you added and in the Action drop down menu select Re-check Domain.

That’s it, if you have done all these simple steps and if Adsense team wants to approve your domain, your adsense for Domain website will be active after some time(max of 24hrs).

I am not sure about the reasons why Google would not allow a particular domain from participating in Adsense for Domain. Here are some of my guesses:
1. Your domain names must not be a word which is copy right protected by someother famous brand/product/service.
2. If you have sexuality related words.
3. If you have drug related word.
4. Offensive and hate related words.
5. Hacking and cracking related words etc.

If you have a .com extension domain name of any famous website, which uses some other domain extensions(.net, .info, .org etc) then you may get good traffic and income! or else it will just be a small additional pocket money and nothing else. Better than nothing, Adsense for Domain is a good product to be utilized.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section. Have you used Adsense for Domain? Are you planing to use it? How is it working for you?

Microsoft’s Bing got blown away by Google’s Wave!

I read an interesting article at Techcrunch today, where they have explained the way Google cheered the developers group with the announcement of its 2 years project Google Wave, which excited developers more than Microsoft’s, not yet live, decision engine Bing!

You can watch the videos below to get the preview of Google’s Wave and Microsoft’s Brand New Decision Engine BING!

Microsoft’s Decision Engine BING! :

Microsoft trying to make fun of Google Search:(I feel its just fun!)

The next Big thing on the internet: Google’s Wave

Microsoft has been testing its new search engine with the code name called “Kumo“. Now this new name “Bing” seem to be better, short name which can be spelled by international audience. But the funny thing is, people in twitter and other places are calling BING as – “But It’s Not Google!”. Its funny, but remember its Microsoft, so it has the potential to do innovation(atleast to certain extent!). Lets wait and give it a try before trying to prejudice(Prejudice is Opinion Without Judgment!)

Google Wave is a open source project and developers are already submitting their info, inorder to get the invitation to start playing with the API. Its basically integration of almost all the web2.0 resources.
People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more over it has a real time communication channel(which can be turned off). And we can make our waves public or private. Public waves are crawl able by search engines.
Anyway, we will be waiting to test both these, different services and will share more things in the future. Mean while feel free to share your thoughts about “Google”, “Microsoft”, “BING” and “Wave”.

Orkut Adsense Ad Placement

There was/is a lot of hype! and buzz in online community about monetizing strategies for FaceBook and Twitter. With all these, Orkut silently started showing adsense ads on Orkut, at some places. After some time it started showing ads on almost all the pages! But PPC ads doesn’t seem to be performing well on social networking sites, as people in such sites will be looking for friends and not for new products in the market, so they are less likely to click a ad. On the other hand, CPM ads may work better, as there will be a lot of impressions on each ad.

With latest improvements for advertisers, Orkut have moved the big 250 x 250 ad to the top right side and it has marked it clearly as “advertisement”. I am sure that it will improve the advertisers interest[Not sure about the users experience and satisfaction. Personally I don’t have any problem with ads, as long as we get value from the website].

Another significant, less observed and good ad placement is in the search result page of Orkut..Try to search for someone in Orkut, and on the top of the results you can see a 468 x 60[or slightly bigger] ad which is well blended with the theme(Orkut design).
And even smarter, Orkut shows “Recommendations by Google” and showcases and promotes some of its services.
Over all, critics are common when it comes to big players, but whats important is, we need to take the good aspects from them and need to learn from their mistakes. Everyone of us can’t make all the mistakes and then learn from it!

Over to readers. What do you feel about the ad placement and over all usability experience with Orkut. to replace its SHOUT feature has decided to replace its infamous Shout feature with Share the story on Twitter, FaceBook and email. And this feature is expected to be rolled out to all users this weekend.

Its inevitable for Digg to give importance to Twitter and FaceBook which has grown up so fast.

Many bloggers and online marketers feel that this move from Digg will be welcomed happily by its users.

This move has both advantages as well as disadvantages:
1. There will be constant exchange of traffic between twitter, FaceBook and digg. This is advantage for Digg, as people will not forget Digg over time šŸ™‚
2. We feel connecting with people as more fun in Twitter and FaceBook than to be friend in, where the main intention to make friendship may be to get more Diggs!
3. This gives more reasons to join Twitter and FaceBook, if you yet don’t have an account.
4. Now we can expect the end of monopoly of Digg power users! Now it may be the turn of Twitter power users šŸ™‚
But we can convince a twitter user to re-tweet our tweets, if the story is really interesting. But in Digg, people will most probably ignore our requests as 90% of them would be spam šŸ™
5. Spammers can not easily target Twitter and FaceBook users, as we are more choosy in following someone. And others can’t hurt our privacy.


1. We can not connect with like minded people on digg!
2. We need to be popular somewhere else to get our article to the front page of Digg!
3. We may start getting more spam mails than ever before, if not handled properly.
4. Spammers may try more innovative means to spam Twitter and FaceBook.

We can already see the integration of Twitter, FaceBook and EMAIL as means to share the stories in DIGG BAR. But the Digg bar wasn’t received by digg users happily. Only way Digg can improve itself is by constant testing, testing and testing, and implementing things according to user feedback.

What do you feel about this move from DIGG ?.

Interview with BuddingBloggers + Contest

Today we have Satish Gandham, UG student from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, a blogger @ and the founder of BuddingBloggers, for the interview. Whats interesting about him is, through BuddingBloggers program, he is providing free domains and top class ad free hosting and lots of other freebies for able bloggers. He was kind enough to give us a interview. So we could ask more about his new service BuddingBloggers.

Here is the interview:-

1. What is BuddingBloggers service about ?

The common problem faced by many bloggers during the initial stages of their blogging career is not having a reliable hosting and a domain name. So we are going to provide able bloggers with free domain names, top class ad free hosting, and freebies like premium wordpress themes. We motivate them and keep them inspired.

2. What are the long term benefits for you, as a company? Because you do not even show ads on the websites that are hosted by buddingbloggers!

We place our badge and our sponsors badge on the participantsā€™ blogs, that will help us build our brand. We also place 5 sponsored links (Like the blog rolls) on the blogs, that will help us pay the domain and the hosting fee. We will also place ads on your support blog, right now there isnā€™t enough traffic any, I prefer clean look over the few cents from adsense.

3. Under Whose name will the domain be registered?

Iā€™m currently registering the domains under my name, later they will be transferred to w3mixx.Com, My future web solutions company.

4. If someone already have a website, and needs to terminate as he/she is not able to pay for his domain and hosting. In such case will you provide free hosting, for already existing domain and transfer the hosted files to buddingbloggers?

Yes, We will renew the domain and provide free hosting.

5. Is your program permitted only for bloggers?

Our program focuses primarily on bloggers, but we are also open to people who are keen to make their web presence felt.

6. Please share about your business model.

We just want to help upcoming bloggers, and build a strong community, where a member of BuddingBloggers gets a special respect among the bloggers community.

7. How are you different from your competitors? And what do you do to standout off the crowd?

We provide top class web hosting. We will never shut down. Our service is almost ads free, we provide guidance and technical support. We organize contests to keep the bloggers motivated. We have prizes for the best and innovative bloggers.
For every participant we accept, we set some reserve money which will back him up in case if we ever have to quit this project. (This is not to hint that we are going to quit some day,ā€ Hope for the best, plan for the worstā€)
Your blog is completely secured with BuddingBloggers, we will never let you down.

8. Do you place any ads on the sponsored blogs?

We donā€™t place any ads except for the small sponsorship badge and 5 unobtrusive text links.

9. Is BuddingBloggers affected by the ā€œFirst mover advantage theoryā€. As I see that there were and still are some other services giving free domain and hosting.

We havenā€™t done full fledged advertising yet, so canā€™t comment on that.

10. Why do you think people will use your service?

One obvious reason for which i would have wanted to use this service 2 years ago.
ā€œThey either donā€™t have money or donā€™t have the credit card or paypal to pay for the domain and hostingā€

11. What are the common mistakes that people do, after registering their domain/hosting from buddingbloggers?

The common mistake I see is when they apply, Most of the applications we get are incomplete, and we simply ignore them.
They can not expect us to give a free domain name if they donā€™t have the patience to fill the application.
Once they are in, its our mistake if they screw up or not active. We either have not selected the right participant or we havenā€™t provided the right support.

12. How big / small is your company?

Our company is very small at the moment, I work from my hostel. HackMinded @ and Saurabh @ (participants of BuddingBloggers) help me in reviewing the applications and maintaining the forum.
We donā€™t have any physical office right now. We may have one after I get out of college next year.

13. Can we know about the configuration of the server you use to host the websites?

We are currently having a VPS at Doreo, we will soon be moving to a dedicated server. We are planning to setup our own data center next year.

14. What about the uptime records of the servers?

Doreo has literally 100% up time, they are pricey and they provide the value for the price.

15. Do you think, a serious blogger who want to earn his living from his blog should go with his own domain & hosting or he has to obtain it from BuddingBloggers?

I think they should join BuddingBloggers, we are providing all the services for free including the technical support, joining BuddingBloggers will give more exposure to their blog.
We have lots of contests and freebies to keep them motivated.

16. What are your advice for a person who is new to blogging and want to create an account with or ?

If you are serious about blogging, buy your domain and start with wordpress as you blogging platform. If you cannot afford to buy a domain or hosting, give us a try.

17. What are the strict rules(policies) that your customers should follow, in order to be your customer?

Have the passion for blogging and blog regularly.

18. Earning opportunity using your services?

Participants can monetize their blog in every possible way, we donā€™t place ads from any ad networks. So they can use adsense, adbrite, bidvertiser, chitika, clicksor etc..
They can also write some sponsored posts.

19. What are the future plans for BuddingBloggers?

We want to build a strong community and give it a status where people take pride in being a member of BuddingBloggers. In future people who can afford to buy own domain and hosting may join BuddingBloggers just to be a part of the community.

20. You are having a blog which is already popular, did this add to the popularity of buddingbloggers?

Yep, I blog at GeniusHackers.Com, I think it is popular šŸ™‚

21. Is this your full time job?

No, this is not my full time job. Iā€™m doing my final year of Bachelors in Chemical Science and Technology @ Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati.

22. How do you define success?

Success is reaching the goals you set for yourself, at the end you should be happy with what you have done and be able to enjoy it.

23. Is there a story for the birth of BuddingBloggers. If so, then please share with our readers.

I started blogging for fun, my first blog was I had no plan to monetize my blog initially, I started getting 1000+ page views per day within 10 days.
This traffic going useless bothered me, so I offered some downloads related to the posts on some free web hosting account and monetized that page with adsense. The results were quite good. When everything was going smoothly, one day my blog was suspended as i was diverting traffic from it to my downloads page with ads. After that i had to hang around with some free web hosts as I was not having a paypal account or credit card to pay. When this wordpress and other free posts kicked my blog out after getting established, all the time and effort I put in my blog for months was wasted.
Now I have an established blog and making enough money from it, so I wanted to prevent at least some bloggers from facing the problems I had in my early days of blogging career.

24. Please share the story of “your journey to blogging” and online world as a whole.

I started blogging just to improve my writing skills, I blogged for myself. Luckily people liked what i wrote and my blog was successful šŸ™‚ , unfortunately that was banned. Then I had to hang around with some free webhosts, until I found a web hosting company accepting payment from online bank transfer. I bought a domain and hosting, from then there is no looking back šŸ˜€ .
I used to spend lot of my time on developing new content, tweaking the blog look and design. PHP and HTML/CSS that I learned as a hobby came in very handy in maintaining the blog. I won a premium theme in a contest at BlogOhBlog.Com, that premium theme gave a new look and authority to my blog. Thatā€™s the first tipping point of my blog. Then there was blogging idol contest @ DailyBlogTips.Com where we had to increase our feed count, I started a rapidshare give away. That kicked my feed count from 500 to 6000+ in 3 months (Unfortunately i couldnt win that contest as this idea stuck to me when the contest was about to close )

Hope you all enjoyed the interview. For more details and latest updates about the service visit BuddingBloggers. And please pass this interview link to all your friends to whom you think it will be of some use(ad free, Free hosting + Free Domain ). And please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Contest: Tweet this article and we will select one lucky winner and will give you a domain(of your choice) for free. The domain will be registered in your name for 1 year, and you are free to host it anywhere. I sponsored this contest to motivate people to spread the news about BuddingBloggers service, it will surly help many people.
Even though you are not in need of a domain, please make sure that you tweet about this article, it may help someone following you.

RT: Enter the chance to win a free domain. Follow @technotip, visit and RT to help your followers

New Look for Webmasters Tool

In 2006, Webmaster Tool began as a way for webmasters to submit Sitemaps.

Webmasters Tool Re-designed

The important aspects in this redesign are:
1. Faster loading.
2. Easier navigation.
3. More search query list, to which our site appeared in search engines.
4. Display thinks in the form of table. Looks very clean and readable.

Over all the redesign is impressive. And there is no major feature added or removed from the previous version.

Adsense Cheque Received via Blue Dart

After a long wait, we received the Adsense cheque from Blue Dart. It arrived nicely packed with Google India, Hyderabad office seal on it! We really miss those Singapore, Buffalo and New York seal šŸ™‚
The tracking code is now available in all Indian publishers adsense account and can be found in their payment history link, if they are eligible for payment.

AdSense Account > Payment History > Payment Issued – Details

Here is the full mail which adsense team sent to us:


We’d like to inform you that your most recent AdSense check has been shipped via Blue Dart. You can now find a Blue Dart tracking number in your AdSense account. For your convenience, we’ve also included this tracking number here: XXXXXXXXXXX.

You can use this number to track your payment at . Please contact your local Blue Dart office if you have any questions.

Thanks for your patience.


The Google AdSense Team

Note that, Blue Dart had informed Adsense team that they are unable to reach some of the publishers as they have invalid address!

Here is the exact email from Adsense team, that some of my friends received:


We are in the process of delivering your recent AdSense payment via Blue
Dart. However, Blue Dart has informed us that they are unable to deliver
to the address currently listed in your AdSense account. We therefore ask
that you update your address by following these steps:

1. Log in to your AdSense account
2. Click on the ‘My Account’ tab
3. Click the ‘Payee Information [edit]’ link
4. Edit the appropriate fields
5. Click ‘Save Changes’

Once you have made the changes, please contact Blue Dart to ensure proper
delivery of your payment.

So please double check your address and make sure everything is upto date.

As this is the first time adsense cheque delivery from Blue Dart, it had some issues(late delivery) and we hope that it will not happen in the future. I think Blue Dart had not expected such a huge number of adsense publishers in India šŸ™‚ . Thanks for Google for making this service free of cost. And the best thing about Blue Dart is, we can track our cheque by using the tracking code in our adsense account and searching for it in bluedart.

If you guys are waiting for your cheque then make sure your address is upto date. And if everyone else got the cheque except you, then the reason may be..Blue Dart is not able to service all areas throughout India. If you live in a location they donā€™t service, your check will be sent by Registered Post and should reach you within 2-3 weeks of the mailing date.
More chances that your cheque is on the way. Have a great week end. Cheers!

Google Chrome ads on TV: Google launches its 1st TV ad

Google trying all means to promote its browser, Chrome. Google had never advertised on traditional TV. response when it first launched. But as for today, there are only 1.4% of internet users using Chrome.
A couple of months ago, Google Japan team had produced a fun video to demonstrate how clean and simple Google Chrome user interface is. This video went viral in the blogoshere/and internet as a whole, by seeing this positive response, Google has decided to make the video reach more people.

we talked to our Google TV Ads team to see how we could show the video that our Japan team developed to a wider audience in a measurable way. Using some of the results from our placement-targeted ads on the Google Content Network, we designed a Google TV Ads campaign which we hope will raise awareness of our browser, and also help us better understand how television can supplement our other online media campaigns.
So today, weā€™re pleased to announce that we’re using Google TV Ads to run our Chrome ad on various television networks starting this weekend. We’re excited to see how this test goes and what impact television might have on creating more awareness of Google Chrome.
Source: GoogleBlog