Eligible for Additional Features On YouTube ?

If you are someone who loves YouTube, you can be eligible to get additional features, by simply verifying your YouTube account.

Phone Verification
With this simple phone verification you’ll be eligible to upload videos longer than 15 min!

What’s New?
A verified account with good standing will get more additional features than the normal user accounts. Also new features will be rolled out quickly to these verified accounts. If you’re a YouTube partner, make sure to get verified. This will also help to make your account secure with your phone number being associated with it.

YouTube On Fire  Image

How To Verify?
Log into your YouTube account.
Goto Channel Settings.

Features -> Account Status

There is a Verify button. Click on it to provide with your phone number.
A verification code will be sent to your phone for the purpose of verification.

You can also get a voice call, if your provider does not support SMS facility or block Google SMS’es or SMS from short codes.

To enable additional features on your account, we require you to verify that your account is currently under your control by providing us your phone number. Please enter your phone number, and we’ll either call you or send you a text message containing a verification code from Google.

Note: If you were previously not able to apply for Content ID Appeals (Ability to appeal rejected Content ID disputes), you could finally do it, after your account verification.

Earnings Not Shown For Your Hosted AdSense for Content?

It was April 01 and Google announced that YouTube was just a contest and is closing down and will stop taking entries further!

Well, we all knew it was a April Fool Prank πŸ™‚ and then, Hosted AdSense for Content’s earnings stopped showing inside Adsense account, making people think YouTube shutdown might be a real thing.

To clear everything: YouTube shutdown was just a April Fool Prank.

Hosted AdSense for Content
You’re able to see the impressions, clicks but no earnings. Why?
That is because, all these stats and your earning details along with many more stats are now available inside YouTube Analytics.


If you still want to look at the earnings from inside your adsense account:
Goto Performance Reports tab.
In the left side sidebar, click on the Products link.
Now click on Hosted AdSense for Content.
Look at the top right corner, change the date and fetch the Hosted AdSense for Content stats and earning details.

YouTube Analytics
For details like, video impressions, time of video being watched, drop rate, earnings, subscription, unsubscription rates etc, look at YouTube Analytics.

Earnings information in AdSense reports
You can find finalized earnings within your AdSense account. A link with specific earnings details will be posted to your Payment History page if your account has reached your payment threshold.

To see your YouTube payments:
Sign in to your AdSense account.
Select Payments on the left sidebar.
Look for “Earnings – YouTube” in each month to see your YouTube earnings for that month. This will include YouTube AdSense earnings (formerly listed as “AdSense for Content host”).
Other reports in AdSense, such as the performance reports, will not include your YouTube earnings. To view your detailed YouTube financial performance, including daily estimated earnings, please visit YouTube Analytics.

If it’s important, you’ll find a way

So often we encounter with situations wherein we don’t find a way to accomplish things.
We find ourselves in blocks! People name it depending on their work – writers block, creativity block, productivity block etc

My Own Story
I was so much pumpedup with the idea of working online and making huge money to live a life with ultimate financial freedom πŸ™‚

Read some success stories, took notes from their success stories: by then I knew, taking action is the key! Couldn’t wait to get started. I had all these wonderful ideas for blog posts. Wrote all those articles one after the other continuously and then started checking the stats and even replied to those spam comments, which said, I’m not able to subscribe to your blog etc πŸ˜›

After some days I had no more ideas to write. (I was new to blogging)
Later on switched topics. As human beings, we’ve interests in wide area of topics. So I had knowledge in other areas which I started sharing on my blog. Next again changed topic!

Later on, with experience learnt that sticking on to particular topic with a domain works out better!


Similar things happen in all the fields: Business, Personal life, Relationships etc

We set some expectations, we do something, we fail, and then we learn, next if we don’t quit- we excel.

Now I can almost write endlessly on the topics of my interest. I can see something special in everything I encounter, that I can share with my readers in a relevant manner.

“Once you master a craft you can recognize it in anything you do.”

Then what is this BLOCK people talk about ?
If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.

Possible Solution
Be solution oriented, and not problem oriented.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein

Find out what you absolutely love doing:

Stop telling stories which support your excuses.
Know that it’s for your goodness that you need to find a way.
If you keep giving excuses you’ll be cheating no one but yourself.
Be conscious of your steps towards your goal: Take the first step first.
Don’t keep postponing things. Have proper strategies and execute your plans.

BuySellAds PRO Announced

Few days back we hinted about BuySellAds Team working on a new release, BuySellAds PRO as they call it.


Today Todd Garland, founder of BuySellAds, sent out the following email:

Announcing BuySellAds PRO

BuySellAds PRO brings together everything you need to manage your ad space: direct sales, ad serving, relationship management, and overall monetization control. From direct advertiser invoicing to effortless day-to-day management of what’s currently serving, BSA PRO provides the tools needed to earn more from your properties and keep your entire team on the same page.

Under the hood, BSA PRO packs a powerful ad serving API and custom ad engine to help you build never-been-done-before ad products for high-end campaigns, invent new ad formats, and innovate your monetization strategy. Come build with us. The possibilities are endless.

BSA Team has done it again! Innovation as we call it. After introducing asynchronous ads for the first time into the advertising industry, now they are ready with a whole lot package of things which will revolutionaries the industry.

Key Highlights of BSA Pro

Direct Ad Sales: You can take advantage of the innovative ad serving platform of BuySellAds and Sell advertising directly to your advertisers based on your pricing.

This is what I love.
Using BSA ad serving API, now you can innovate with BSA.
Work on your own ad format and your own monetization strategies!


BSA Moto

Anything is possible
The power and flexibility to create better
advertising experiences
BuySellAds PRO gives you the tools to make the impossible possible. Build stuff that’s never been done before. Integrate ads into anything with our flexible ad serving API. The sky is the limit here – the larger the scale, the better.

Roadblocks / Takeovers
In their own words: A roadblock offers advertisers a chance to get a very focused burst of attention for an event, product launch, or just a general boost in their campaign by purchasing all of the impressions during a specific time period across one or more ad units. Using PRO, you can sell concentrated, timed bursts of traffic to advertisers while putting your other ads on hold automatically.

Most publishers only allow roadblocks one or two times per month to maintain their usual advertiser flow. The choice is up to you, and we’re happy to talk about best practices and implementation.

Site Skins
Advertiser can design the image which suites with the theme of the publisher, with the help of BSA Pro’s standard self-serve mechanism this image can be served as the background image of the site.


The skin is clickable, seamless, and premium!

Had enough of DFP?
Got confused with Google DFP? or was not able to get into DFP account due to some stupid error messages?
Whatever it might be: Try BuySellAds PRO for all your advertising needs.




A good user interface is one, which do not need a user guide!
It’s really a PRO.

Other stuffs you can do with BuySellAds PRO ..


Real-Time Stats,
Marketplace connection,
Sell across any medium,
Integrated invoicing and billing,
Sophisticated scheduling,
Custom segmentation,
Multi-user access to sell advertising on your site,
Save notes,
Assign todo’s,
See full purchase history,
Advertiser messaging,


BuySellAds PRO Advertiser CRM

Support for retina display for ad creative.
Support for responsive ads etc etc ..

image & info source: BSA

BuySellAds.com Pro

BuySellAds.com has turned into a 10 million dollar company (and still growing at a faster phase) in a shot period of time.


We’re happy to let you know that, BSA has revamped it’s User Interface and seem to have made software great and easy to use. With implementation of a nice looking Dashboard which includes detailed earning report, performance report and ad scheduling information. Also Campaign overview and campaign invoice.

New Layout
The new layout seems to be extremely professional and we hope the new features catch-up nicely with the publishers.


You can add new property by clicking on the + (plus) symbol present at the top menu bar. You can find profile settings at the extreme top right.

Todd Garland, Founder of BuySellAds

Todd Garland, founder of BuySellAds.com hinting about Pro version on Twitter.

With this new BuySellAds.com Pro(v3) version, we’re expecting something so innovative that it would improve the current marketplace systems for publishers and also helps advertisers to get better target audience for their product/service.
Remember the asynchronous ads first introduced by BuySellAds?

iPhone / android Apps
Going forward with the new release, we could even expect iPhone and android apps to approve / reject ads.

Our wishes
Personally I love BuySellAds.
It has a innovative team, lead by a inspiring person ‘Todd Garland’.
We wish every success to BuySellAds and it’s team in all their efforts.

BuySellAds Pro has not yet been released. We hope to see it in early 2013!

Adsense New Ad Format: 300×600 Ad Unit

Bigger Is Better! (Bada hai to behtar hai)

Google has finally announced yet another Large Skyscraper, 300×600 ad unit. Which has both Text as well as image/rich media ads.
Since this is new ad format, currently only text ads are running on most of the websites. Once advertisers start taking notice of this, and start exploiting the potential of this big beast, we can see some creative which take up half of the page!

From previous tests conducted by Google, bigger ads have been performing better than smaller ad units. So we guess, 300×600 ad unit would yield more.

You can see them on our site sidebar. Sometimes it looks so awkward, but we have to see it’s performance over time.
I’m looking forward to see image/rich media ads on our site. It’s an opportunity for brands to showcase their creative effectively.


Get to it:
My ads -> New ad unit -> select 300×600 ad unit

Google Nexus 7 Tablet In India

Google is all set to launch its entry level tablet Google Nexus 7 in Indian market for a price tag of Rs. 19,999 which is almost twice as much as it’s dollar rate in United States(which is $199).

The 7-inch Table, built by Taiwanese manufacturer Asus, has the following features:


OS: Android Jelly Bean (Android version 4.2).
Processor: Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, which clocks at 1.3 GHz.
1280×800 resolution with 7-inch IPS display screen.
1.2 megapixel front camera.
4325 mAh battery.

1. 9hrs HD video playback
2. 10hrs Web browsing or e-reading
3. 300hrs Stand-by time

..and ofcourse supports large number of apps present in android market place!

It had a 8GB variant which was replaced by a 32GB variant for the same price in the US market. Not to forget, it also has a 3G variant.

Look at some of the offers present on Amazon for Nexus 7