Everyone Wins: Giveaway!

I don’t want to see anyone of you guys get disappointed with this contest – so everybody who participates wins something!


Contest Prize
1. High profile bloggers interview eBook(scroll to the end to see the cover page of the book – you don’t want to miss it) for everyone who participates
2. Lucky draw: 500 people will get Rs 10 recharged (Small token of love) + interview Book
3. Blu-ray Ripper software license giveaway: 20 license(lucky draw)
4. android or iPhone app: recover deleted/lost photos & videos, contacts, SMS, call logs, memos (10 license)
5. Video Converter Deluxe Software 10 license
(..stay tuned for more prizes)

Everyone who participates will win something. So make sure you complete all the task without fail.

How to participate
1. Share this giveaway page on Facebook and/or Google Plus (sharing on Twitter and LinkedIn are optional). You have to share on at least 2 social sites and one of them should be Facebook or Google Plus – in combination with Twitter or LinkedIn. Sharing on Facebook and Google Plus is highly appreciated.


2. Submit your post/status URL in the form provided here: Submit your entry


3. Like all the URLs provided in below table. Again the rule #1 applies. Like/recommend on at least 2 social sites, one of them must be Facebook or Google Plus – in combination with Twitter or LinkedIn. But pushing it on Facebook and Google Plus is highly appreciated.

Sl No URLs Facebook Google Plus Twitter LinkedIn
1 Technotip.org
2 Technotip.com
3 ThinkWithSatish.com
4 Millionaire Mastermind
5 My Profile

You can also stay connected with us via our social media communities:

Google Plus:


You can even signup for our free blog updates(optional):

Sl No Blog Name Singup form
1 Technotip.org
2 Technotip.com
3 ThinkWithSatish.com


I’ll be launching my first premium eBook(Millionaire Mastermind) tomorrow and I want to get some traction to it. I want to help as many people as possible with my work – so giving away interview series eBook for free for all the participants of this giveaway.


Also, it’s my birthday tomorrow June, 01 and I want to reconnect with all my online buddies once again and stay active with blogging.

Using SEO to Build Authority and Traffic

This is a guest post by Jeff Gross. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guest post guidelines.

If you are putting content on your blog to build traffic and authority, SEO needs to be calculated into your effort. It does not matter if you put out 150 word blurbs on social media sites, full websites, or blog posting. SEO is the primary way the usefulness of information posted is interpreted. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that anyone wanting to be found would want to enable search engines to make that interpretation easy.


The Finer Points of Blog Content SEO
Many of the tactics from building SEO friendly websites hold true on a blog. Appropriate use of keywords will provide the markers that spiders need to accurately interpret the work. A blog post that is overly long will actually be more of a hindrance than a help. There ends up being too much other text that ends up getting into the mix that the spiders can interpret as relevant even if it is not. Other points to consider are…

400-500 words is a good target length. Readers are not interested in encyclopedic blog posts. If the subject is bigger than that, simply turn it into a multi-part series.

Appropriate density of any keyword falls between 2% and 3%. Try to avoid saturating the text with buzzwords or industry-speak to broaden your appeal and keep the text readable.

Your title needs to command attention while being descriptive. It should also include keywords relevant to the text. The first sentence is important in that regard. It should also contain any keywords important to the text.

Blogging software packages will often allow you to add relevant tags to a piece of work. This is useful for using additional terms without saturating the work. For example, how would a blogger who doesn’t know anything about SEO locate this post? They may search up a phrase like “how do I get a bigger audience for my blog?” Even though terms like “bigger audience” aren’t used in the text, you can still aim towards that individual through appropriate tags.

The Quest for Greater Authority
The most useful goal you can pursue for your blog is establishing your authority. Prove your blog is giving good information and it will take hold and spread from there. Easier said then done though, right? Any good approach is going to take time. However we can hasten that process by keeping a few things in mind.

If you post junk posts, that’s how your blog will be viewed. Your blog should be used to demonstrate your unique perspective on the relevant interest. A writer that does not have the time to sit down and proof-read their work, spell-check, and make sure it’s readable will not be getting their work read. If you do not have that kind of time, take advantage of a ghost-writing company to generate solid work for you.

Depart from how the rest of the world is portraying a topic. Sometimes, it’s impossible to do. However, when you can, you want to take advantage of your unique experience, perspective, and knowledge to make your work stand out from the crowd. No one is going to take the time to read the piece if it is just a rehash of 50 other posts. Huge blocks of text are an instant turn off to readers. They will close the window.

A blog is one of the greatest marketing tools that is available at the moment. It is a great way to create a personal, memorable experience between your business and a customer that is often lacking on the internet. Be sure to keep SEO in mind while you flesh out your strategy to build traffic and authority to your blog.

Author’s Bio
Jeff is a professional internet marketing and blogging consultant. He writes mostly about blogging, internet marketing, Pay Per Click Strategies and Search Engine Optimization techniques and best practices. Jeff is also a consultant and content contributor for NY condominiums community.

Blueprint To Deal With Your Blog Design

Its often tempting to make things perfect. In making things perfect, we start the lazy habit of procrastination.

In psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing high priority work or actions or tasks with low-priority actions, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.

Small Case Study!
I had a client who was so tied up in making her blog look exactly the way she wanted it to look, that she didn’t have 3 articles up on her blog for a month or two. And after having 8 articles and spending day and night(with lot of excitement) tweaking the theme she felt like, blogging isn’t for her! She had great expectations. She had read a lot of success stories for years. After a long procrastination she had finally taken action and had registered a domain and bought a hosting account, and had published 8 articles on her blog. Owff…that’s a lot of work, isn’t it 🙂

It can happen to anyone
Procrastination isn’t anyones asset. It can happen to anyone. Many times we advice a lot, and we ourselves procrastinate. The best way to deal with all these is to plan before hand. Now planning and procrastinating doesn’t help!

Plan And Take Action
Make design changes along the way..along with blogging. Don’t think you will finish the design aspects of the blog once for all and after that start with blogging. If you think so, then you may never start blogging; the actual content generation process. Because, no design can be perfect. You will comeup with some design changes once in a while, more often in the beginning days of your blog. Its so overwhelming and distractive to keep making the changes, tweaks, optimization.


After a long period of procrastination, we somehow manage to sit down and start writing something for the blog. Suddenly a design issue starts interrupting our mind. Immediately we leave writing and start to fix the design issue. After we finish with that, we start browsing some blogs and immediately fall in love with some design elements – like a social media button. Now we want it on our blog too. Start with figuring that out. At the end of the day, you will still be procrastinating!

It seems like you have been working all day long, but at the end of the day it’s about results or the outcomes of your action that matters. My advice would be to reserve certain period of time for the most important activity for your blog or business. Do it with full focus. If you choose to work 3hrs or 2hrs a day? Make sure you only work on one big thing, the most important thing, with full attention.

“Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.” —- Tony Robbins

So, am I suggesting to forget all other things and only concentrate on content generation? No, not exactly!

First of all, people subscribe/read your blog and they are here for content. If the content is good enough, they will stick around. But what if the design is too good, but there is no content for a long time.

So my advice would be to, start blogging immediately and make design changes once in a while.

Here is my blueprint:
You can’t fix a day in the week or month to think of design changes, tweaks, optimization etc. Because, on that day you may not be able to come up with creative design ideas.

So, what I do is, keep a note book or a file on my computer wherein I write down the design changes, tweaks, optimization ideas that strikes my mind every now and then. I also make sure to prioritize the listed items. I put the most important and urgent task at the top of the list. This file is dedicated to the look and feel of the blog. For new blogs, you can choose a day in 2 weeks or a day in a month and start working on the design, tweak/optimization works one at a time from the list. Make sure to implement as many changes as you can from the list.
If you could do only 10 out of 25 items that day, then postpone the other works for the next schedule. This way, you will make sure that the most important changes has been accomplished.

If some design tweak requires help from others, then mail them or post on any online forum and keep it pending and carry on with the rest of the things in the list according to the priority.

This way, you will be spending most of your time on the major aspect of your blog, that is “CONTENT” and you will not be neglecting the rest of the things that make up a good user experience on your blog.

Even if your blog is established and has a good looking design and usability factor, make sure to take a day in a month and do some improvements on it. Often times we get lazy to edit the theme and put on some code, affiliate link or help link etc. Make sure you don’t procrastinate any more with your blog/business. Don’t take it granted, make sure you work for it. Don’t forget, the subscriber count you see in your feedburner account are real people watching/reading your blog!

PS: So, should I say this: “Content Is STILL King!

7 Ways To Get Traffic – Before You Need It!

One common question we all hear, and at some point of time have asked – How to get traffic to our new blog?

Here are some examples of how I got my first 500 – 800 visits per day in my initial days of blogging:


I started it before I actually needed it:

1. Commenting on other blogs: I had spent some time in selecting a domain name(even though I din’t have much knowledge about selecting a good domain name at that time). And started participating in comment section of various blogs – niche which I was interested in. And included the URL of my blog in all the comments(not within the comment section).
Tips: Do not leave your new website blank. Atleast have a single introduction page, or better if you can have atleast 10 good articles published.

2. SEO benefits: As I already had the blog up, most search engines had already crawled my blog and was visible in results page for some keywords.
Tips: If you know your niche, then have atleast 10 good articles published – which are fully concentrated on your niche. Include keywords related to your niche and take time to carefully optimize those 10 articles, so that you rank high for some keywords.

3. Put up the email/rss subscription options on your blog: Even though I had a single page on my blog – where I wrote about myself(profile kind of), many people subscribed to it! I had 30 – 40 subscribers when I started blogging – when my first real article was live.
Tips: Put a big and highly visible(yet not annoying) subscription link on your blog. I guess people who signup for your blog updates in the initial stage are email subscribers, so make sure you put email subscription option and highlight that its a free service.

4. Include your blog link in any social networking site you use.
Tips: Have conversation with like minded people, who are interested in the niche your blog falls in. This strategy would help in more conversion rate, and you will enjoy the social networking as you communicate with like minded people.

5. Participate in forums: Forums are good place to meet like minded people and to share your knowledge and to gain knowledge from other participants. Use your blog link in the signature area of the forum and in your forum profile.
Tips: Do not try to promote your blog in any ways. Because you don’t have an active blog yet and that may act against you. So be genuine in helping as many people as you can. This increases your credibility and builds a community around you before you actually need it.

6. Write Testimonials: As you probably read some books, attended some course, used some online services before you started your blog. Send your testimonial to those people, if you really like them and recommend them to other people. Again be genuine and don’t do it just to get a link back.
Tips: See previous testimonials. If the owner of the product is linking to the person who gave the testimonial, then you can expect a link back, if he thinks your testimonial helps his business.
Take time and form a very good, real testimonial. Do not make it over hyped inorder to get through.

7. Public Speaking & Presentation: If you get a public speaking opportunity and/or you have to give a public presentation for a social cause, then at the end its not a bad idea to show your blog Name and URL along with your Name and designation or whatever. This will give people a way to follow up with you, in case some one is very much impressed with your presentation and want to get more from you.

At this stage do not try to promote your blog in any ways, because it may have an adverse effect. Just enjoy the benefit of having a blog before its actually fully active.

Do not keep postponing the date to start blogging actively. no time is perfect time.
Imagine, if you are planning to have a blog and never actually taking your first step to find a good name, register it and write atleast 10 good articles – you would miss a lot of opportunity. You will have to leave comments on other websites/blogs as an anonymous guy, you will loose the SEO benefit etc to name some.

Do not plaster your blog with ads when you’re not yet blogging consistently, because this may give people a wrong impression.

I am not saying that – If you don’t start your blog/business now, you will loose money. But you will surly loose some benefits of starting it early enough. You will loose all the extra benefits I have talked above.

Its a good idea to take some time out of your busy life and find a good domain name(which is the only thing probably which will take some time), register it, and try to write atleast 10 quality articles concentrating on your niche.

Often times we get a brilliant idea for a blog post, but only to know that – “It would have been great, if I had started a blog”. Let that not happen to you, start a blog early and learn along the way.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race. Stop thinking about all the details, just start a blog/business. You are bound to stumble along the way, but you will figure things out as you move along.

It would be better to make a mistake while blogging than to never start the blog. Learning never ends and if you are thinking of starting a blog or a business after learning everything, then take it from me – You are not going to start your blog or business. Because learning is a never ending process.

Sunday Series for Newbie Bloggers and nOobs

Being a blog concentrating on social media, blogging, it would be good to have some resources for newbie bloggers or people who are interested in knowing more about blogging, social media and online money making(basics).

Two years ago, I never knew the difference between a domain and hosting. Twitter and FaceBook were far from my thinking. Blogging was far from imagination. Never knew there will be so many people reading blogs more regularly than News Paper, and Tweet more often than they send a text message(SMS – texting) or Call to anyone!

Looking back those days, feels like great memories of ignorance 🙂 Unfortunately, I have many many and many friends who don’t know about blogs, Twitter, Facebook, web-publishing etc. They still think having a live website requires a great deal of knowledge, money and influence. Actually, a friend of mine asked me – how to get permission from BSNL to launch a website. hmm..I got confused for a while, so as to what he was asking. But soon realized, BSNL being a well known Internet service provider in India, many people think that the whole internet and all the websites and everything is controlled by them. Not a bad logic though. And some still think internet is owned by Google.
When I try to tell about the advantages of Twitter and tell them to start using it to their good – the last question they would ask me is, Is Twitter your website? lol…. how good, if it was 😉
Some years back, most news papers, tv News and some online publications tought us how internet is being used to scam people and for betrayal. It has so stuck in the minds of people that, they never dare to do an online transaction. And some people think Google too as a scam, because of various Google Cash Cow like scams. So I think writing about what to trust and what not to, would surly help many people in making right decision.

Not that I know many things. I am still learning and would love to share whatever I learn with like minded nOob friends!

So without hurting the regular readers, I have thought of writing about very basics of internet tools, blogging, Content Management System, how and why etc on this blog on Sundays.

So you got it — most of you may skip reading Technotip.org on Sunday and Saturday.

This post will be used as a document for later reference. Because I am sure, many people will ask what the hell I am writing on the blog. So I can point to this and can tell them that they can skip reading on Saturday and Sunday.

But it would be great, if you can come and help everyone with your valuable comments. Hope you remember your student days, where we learn a lot of complex things and we will be asked some questions related to basics of the subjects and we sometimes giggle to answer it. No one knows everything. So everyone’s comment will add value, even though its a basic thing.

And feel free to(actually I will be privileged) send any of your nOob friends to our blog.

Interview with Chris Brogan

Chrish Brogan’s blog is ranked by Technorati as one of the top 100 blogs in the world. chris-brogan
Advertising Age’s Power 150 ranks him in the top 15. He has been blogging since 1998. He is also co-founder of PodCamp and part of many other online projects. He works with large and mid-sized companies to improve online business communications like marketing and PR through the use of social software, community platforms, and other emerging web and mobile technologies.

Chris is co-author of the book Trust Agents, with Julien Smith, which was recently released. If you run a company/organization, then please get a copy of this book, spend some time to read and understand it and order some more copies for your employees/members/co-workers if you think its of use for them.


1. Do you think using your real name (or surname) in your Twitter ID (or any other profile ID) is good or using your company/brand name is good?

I believe you should use your real name. People want to connect with humans for the most part, not just brands. That is, unless your brand is widely known, and then you should manage two accounts. I think that having @coke *and* @bobjones is smart, because you can be the big brand, and/or you can be offduty.

2. With all the efforts to earn the Trust(for the sake of trust), when our blog readers/customers give bad personal comments, how does it feel about the trust that we have built?

Bad comments are golden. Value these like you value nothing else. They are moments where you must reflect on the value of what your customers have told you, and decide what you must improve, or whether it’s just someone complaining. In either case, thank them. They’ve taken the time to voice their concern.

3. Do you think having a forum helps in building the “Army”? As we can interact with the blog readers at a personal level in the forum. Do you think the time spent in the forum is well worth or is there any other more efficient methods to connect with our readers?

I think you can connect with blog readers on a blog, so I think forums are a way to “share the stage.” They’re a way for others to be able to start threads and be the host of a storyline. They don’t improve or diminish the ability to build an army, except insofar as the content they provide.

4. What components do you think makes a blog successful

Equipping your community for success makes your blog successful. Be helpful. Be consistent. Be mindful of people’s time. Give them unique ideas and your best thinking. Give away your secrets (you’ll make more). Provide them links to materials and ideas that others have done that will improve their learning. Comment frequently and reply to the people who speak with you (as often as you can).

5. Your advice for new bloggers

Write from the most unique possible perspective that you can. Writing a me-too blog is wasteful. Others have already done the work. See if you can find a unique voice and vision, and get that done. There’s so much more left to cover.

6. Your advice for students. We read in the book about how we can play the role of “Trust Agent” in a company, now would love to know, how students(who are studying in university ) can apply it.

Students can learn about trust and how to use these new tools to build relationships in ways that will improve their connectedness coming out of school. Building networks of passionate collaborators is a powerful way to apply what trust agents do, and will be beneficial to students who often need these networks for jobs and more after they’ve left school.

7. What have you learnt with the release of your co-authored book “Trust Agents”.

I learned that what people relate to the most is that we’ve written a book about common sense for the Internet age. It’s like 7 habits meets the web. I’m really passionate about the fact that common sense seems to have gone missing in business, so maybe that’s what people need right now.

8. What do you feel about Google Adsense? Do you think adsense ads make a blog look unprofessional? And what do you feel about the over all blogging for money concept.

I use Adsense for RSS with my RSS feed. I get about beer money worth of value. I think that blogs that stripe themselves with Adsense end up looking like NASCAR vehicles and not useful content. I love blogging for money, though. I think there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m certainly not part of the kumbaya crowd.

9. What do you think about Twitter(In general and for business purpose). How bloggers can use it the best.

Twitter brings me quite a lot of business. I love it.

10. What were the 3 major mistakes you did on your blog?

In the old days, I talked about me. Now I equip others. In the old days, I wrote a lot more. Now I write brief pieces. In the old days, I got really snippy. Now I try to keep it professional (though with a personality).

11. What were the 3 major mistakes you did while learning about Social Media?

None really come to mind. Not that I’m perfect, but nothing major.

12. Do you think that a hard cover book is worth more than a ebook?

No. I think a useful book is worth more than fluff.

13. How many hours do you dedicate to blogging? How did you manage time for writing the book? Please share about the records made by your book at some of the places, like Wall Street Journal, New York Times etc. And please share about, monetizing the blog with your own product rather than 3rd party advertising. How do you manage sponsors on your blog. How has this book added to it etc.

I write about two hours a day, though not all of it is for blogging. I wrote 1000-2000 words a day with Julien Smith. Writing’s my #1 business, basically, when it all gets said and done: writing and thinking.

We made the New York Times Bestseller’s list in 2 days and the Wall Street Journal bestseller’s list in 2 weeks, which isn’t that shabby. I still want to hit the USA Today and the BusinessWeek bestseller lists, too.

I make very little money off my blog by contrast to my consulting and agency work. I make some money promoting Chris Pearson’s Thesis WordPress theme, and some from the occasional sponsored post, but that’s about it. I think that sponsors are great if you build relationships between the sponsors and the community. I can’t just take money from people. I say no to about 95% of the sponsor offers I get.

We had a great time talking to Chris Brogan, and learnt a lot with this interesting interview. Hope you all enjoyed it and learnt a thing or 2 from Chris Brogan. You may also like his book Trust Agents. If you read it, please tell us, what you liked and what you didn’t like in the book. I am sure, Chris will also be eager to know.
Thanks to Chris, for this fabulous interview.

Do you want Premium quality content for FREE ?

Being a student I know how tight our budgets will be! I was in the same position a year back, before starting blogging. So I love to share about good quality, free content from trusted sources.
Yesterday I read a very good ebook and I recommend it to all bloggers who are stuck at some point in blogging and can’t afford to pay for an online course.

The name of the ebook is Make Money Blogging, by Daniel Scocco. The book is well structured and is worth reading.


Daniel Scocco has been involved in entrepreneurial projects on the Internet since 2005 and he knows his stuffs. His famous blog DailyBlogTips.com was nominated under the “Best Web Development Blog” category in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and currently it is ranked among the 500 most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati) and among the 100 most popular marketing blogs in the world (according to AdvertisingAge).
Daniel has also provided consulting services for many companies and organizations (including the United States federal government), and he is the founder of the online marketing and business training program Online Profits.

So Daniel and his works are really worth to be followed, if you want to be a successful online entrepreneur or blogger.

Daniel has worked for about two months and has packed this ebook with all his experience and has made a really valuable ebook.

Many people, including bloggers want answer for this question — How to make money blogging?
This book also concentrates and explains other aspects of money making, that is generating quality content inorder to get the traffic and to gain authority(over time), and then the money aspects, which is exact inline with how things have worked out to many bloggers.
It contains some real suggestions and tips, which most online courses teach.

The ebook contains:

Introduction (which also contains very valuable information’s)
1. The Content: Know the 3 important things that make good content. Good info about Headline and about finding idea’s or inspiration for content creation.
This is the most important aspect for any blogger to know. You can just download the ebook, to read this one chapter, if you don’t have enough time.

2. Design and usability: This chapter contains some list of Usability Mistakes, which are worth noting down and correct them one by one, if your blog is making those mistakes.
Other things like call for action and the action priorities.

3. Networking: Contains some short email templates, that you can use for your networking purpose!, but I suggest get your own. Templates provided by Daniel are just an example. You can make yours more personal and catchy!
Small excerpt from this chapter:

In most professional fields, who you know is at least as important as what you know. Blogging is no exception.

4. Promotion: This is the chapter which I liked the most. It contains some really good information. It tells the importance of guest blogging, social bookmarking sites, Twitter, Facebook and ways to promot your killer content.

5. Monetization: Which stresses about the creation of authority, before trying to make money. And gives 2 important tips for making money with Adsense. Also talks about direct advertising, CPM ads, Affiliate marketing, email marketing(“the money is in the list!”) etc.

In the introduction of the ebook, Daniel says – “If you already have a blog and know the basics, feel free to skip to chapter 1.” But out of curiosity, I read the introduction and I must say, Daniel has packed good info from the very beginning of the ebook.
Although the introduction was valuable, I feel that I had already read it on DailyBlogTips.com!

Introduction goes on with the inspiring revenue figures of TechCrunch, Mashable and Haffingtonpost etc, but at the same time warns not to get into “get rich quick” concept! Here is an excerpt from the ebook:

yes it is definitely possible to make money blogging. At this point many people ask: “but is it easy or quick?” Well, that is a completely different question, and unfortunately the answer here is a big “NO”.
Making money blogging is no different then making money with any other venture, be it online or offline. As such it will take time and require a heck lot of work.

Much like his News Letter(which is kind of personal, valuable and to the point), the ebook also doesn’t contain any fluff, you get the meat directly, so its time saving apart from being valuable.

Finally, if you are a blogger or somehow related to blogs, then you will find the ebook valuable. Do not miss to download, read and implement the tips in the ebook.
To download the ebook(which is Free), you will have to signup for his news letter here.

And also tweet about this ebook to all your friends, fans and followers, I am sure, many of them will find it helpful. And who knows you may even win a laptop! — yes, Daniel is holding a contest and is giving away two laptops to two lucky winners. Tweeting will get you one entry, and blogging about it will give you 5 entries. Nice trick to get the words out. Though I decided to write about the ebook, after reading it and finding some valuable info there. And more over, I always recommend Daniel’s work, as he is a brand built around trust.

Related: 5 Freebies Up For Grab

Technotip.org Guest Post Guidelines

After a year of blogging, I feel that it would be great idea to allow guest blogging on this blog. To learn from you guys. I have learnt a lot with the comment section, now its time to give you the main platform to share your knowledge. And to have a lot more conversation and build a great community around, helping each other.
We know the frustration of getting a first link to a new blog. To show others that you exist. And it’s a great boost for search engine ranking, if you can get a link from a trusted website.

Guest articles will mostly be published on Wednesday and Thursday. All other days(most of the days) we will be writing on this blog, as always.

Guest blogging is a great tool to show your presence, skills and to kick start your online business or to boost your already existing one.


What kind of content do we accept?
Write things that provide value. Solve some problems.
1. How-to articles.
2. WordPress and designing.
3. Strategies.
4. Web2.0
5. System related.
6. Mobile tips and tricks.
7. Social Media.
8. Own blogging experiences.
9. List posts
10. Tutorials etc.

Must follow, strict policy:
The article must be original. It must not be published anywhere else….online or offline(news paper, magazine etc). You will be held responsible for any dispute that may rise later.

What type of content is a No NO?
1. Hate stuffs – Abusing some company or product.
2. Product reviews.
3. Article with irrelevant links!
A link with in the article must support the article that is published on the blog and should not be another post that you are referring to readers to go and read.

Some personal guidelines:
Guest blogging is an opportunity to show your authority over a topic to a wider audience or new audience. So you need to make it as professional as possible, and not to include as many links as possible to drive the traffic. Its about spreading your brand recognition, showing your ability and willingness to be one among the community. Before submitting a guest article, make sure you do proper research about the topic, so that you can satisfy the readers and their comments.
Don’t view guest blogging as purely an opportunity for you to get new readers and promote yourself. Try to add value to the blog where you are writing the guest post. Take the opportunity to build the authority. People reading the article will surly visit you and be your loyal readers if they like the content and find that you are genuine, then they are more likely to stay with you, following your blog. Create good impression, leave with a positive impact.

For more info or for any further clarification, contact us.

Note: A small bio will be added at the end of the article with a link to your blog and a link to your Twitter profile (optional).