Hibernate – small feature, big use

This is a very common feature used by many people(even if you are not a geek). But I would still like to write about it, because this is a very small and potentially great feature available in almost all the Operating Systems now a days.

If you yet don’t know about this option, then we would be very happy to let you know about this…..

This option would save the time used to boot your computer, by resuming your works directly from the point where you left.

When your computer hibernates, it stores whatever it has in memory on your hard disk and then shuts down. When your computer comes out of hibernation, it returns to its previous state.

While shutting down your computer, select the option Hibernate, instead of selecting Shutdown. And that’s it, you are done.

Here are some screen shots..

Windows XP :-


If hibernate option is missing means, here is a work around to get it in place.

Right click on your desktop, select properties. And then click on the Screen saver tab, now follow the below screen shot..


Now after you Enable hibernation option, click on the OK button. This should get you the option working.

UBUNTU screen shot below :-


Hibernate option is useful in following cases :-

1. When there is power failure and the UPS backup is dying and you know that, the power will be back shortly. In this case, it will be frustrating to shutdown and again boot the computer, when power is back. So in such case use Hibernate option, to consume your time and mood.

2. It was reported in some studies that, IT and other professionals leave the computers as it is, without shutting it down(in office), just because they need to start it up again tomorrow morning. Now, this will simply waste lot of money(remember, its a national waste). So please use this Hibernate option in office, if you can’t shut it down.

3. While going for a nap. While going out for coffee etc.

4. This option is very helpful for those who have lot of peripherals connected to their computer. Like printer, bluetooth etc, which require you to install separate driver software. This will make your computer to boot slowly. In such case you can make use of this Hibernate option. And you can shut down your computer at the end of the day.

5. And if you are using different IM, and download manager, spywares, malwares, bla..bla..bla, then your computer needs some more time, after booting, to start working in its normal way. So in such case also you can make use of Hibernate option, and shutdown only at the end of the day.

Now this option is so good, then why should we ever shutdown our computer ? Lets all consume our time and do someother useful work in that time! Its right to get that kind of thoughts, but the reality is, your computer becomes slower, if you use this option all the time. Its advisable to shutdown your computers atleast once in a day, inorder to maintain its health.

But actually, personal computers are built to handle such things. And I am almost confirm that, there will be no problem to RAM, as it will unload all its content as usual, when you use the hibernate option. As I said earlier, it will unload all its content into hard disk and then load it back when we turn on the computer again. So there will be almost no effect on RAM. But still, as we know technology is not 100% perfect, its just the long, unending journey towards perfection. So I think Permanent use of Hibernate option may cause in the failure of some hardware parts(over time) and it may also corrupt the Operating System over time. I am talking about the personal computers and not the Super computers(which will be having high configuration and will not have any effect even after using hibernate option over years).

I have put only windows and Ubantu Hibernate screen shot here. If you use some other Operating System(OS), then please send the screen shots to me(with hibernate option) and you would be helping lot of people out there, reading this post.

Also share your thoughts about this article in the comment section.

Start early, drive slowly, reach safely

All young guys/girls get thrilled by hearing the word Speed. But we should also know some of the consequences of this thrilling speed before we try to indulge ourself in it. And we all love our vehicles ( Bike, car, bicycle anything for that matter), we take care of it like our wife or children.

You might have heard this line ” Speed thrills, but it kills”. And many of you might just don’t agree with it, as you have never met with such an killing incidents or accidents.

But before adopting the Speedster name and fame, just be aware of the following things….

  1. Think about your loving parents who don’t want to see you dead on the road.
  2. Think about their efforts to bring you up to the stage you are in now.
  3. Think about the pain you get when you get into troubles after an accident.
  4. Just visit and see some of the patients in the hospitals who are suffering from the accidents.
  5. And remember that, while you are driving fast, you may also kill some innocent people(it may even include aged or new born) on the road.
  6. Think about anyone who really loves you very much. And never think that, nobody in this world loves you. In case there are no one in this world who loves you, you should develop such a character(good) that, whoever meets you should fall in love with you and everyone should aspire to be your friend.
  7. And think about your girl / boy friend. They will be having worst time in their life, if something happens to you. And if you don’t care for it, then you are not a perfect one for your girl/boy.
  8. Care for all those who care for you.
  9. Vehicles are to be used to get maximum benefits from it, and your speed must not trouble anyone.
  10. You may get fined by cops.
  11. You may get jailed. And it may cause unwanted troubles for all those who belong to you.
  12. High speed is even bad for engine of your vehicle.
  13. You may become a permanent handicap and a permanent burden to your family people. And may lose the hope in your life and your ambitions.
  14. Fuel burns more when you drive very speed. Remember, don’t use any methods which consumes more petrol or diesel, even if you feel your life isn’t worth anything, petrol certainly is.   Without fuel, almost all factories, companies will have to suffer a lot and will surly affect its economical position. And this will surly be a great problem to the next generation(or may be to our generation itself, who knows what exactly is the future? ). The only alternate is to find an alternate to petrol and diesel. Anyway, we can also contribute to the solution by driving slowly and consuming the extra unnecessary burning of fuel.
  15. You may think that, you are looking cool while driving fast, but the reality is…..wise people will really be having a big negative impression about you.
  16. And those who are sitting with you inside your vehicle, while you are driving, will surly don’t like your speed. And you should be caring about their safety, as they have come with you, believing you.
  17. While driving fast, small accidents may cause big impact and big damages.
  18. You won’t get anything after reaching a place too early. You may just endup wasting all the time that you might have spent, if you had not met with an accident.
  19. Think about your Career plans. Will you just leave all your career and life plans, just for the sake of speed driving.
  20. Those who drive fast will not be able to take correct decisions as soon as they come from a fast drive. This is a psychological fact and will surly affect your business.
  21. Trying to be cool among friends and relatives, you may endup looking like a fool in any of the hospital or may be in any of the jail.

Speedster-cars-vehiclesIf you are participating in any legal racing competition then its an exceptional case, as there will be lot of precautions taken well in advance.

And most of the youngsters get influenced by the speedsters in films and advertisements. But bare in mind that, they will be having all sorts of training and precautionary steps and lots and lots of rehearsals and retakes(re-shootings) and more importantly they will be having a very good camera man and technicians.

Another thing that may influence us is the Games. Hope almost all of us have played games like Need For Speed Most Wanted. Yes, its a nice game. Getting inspired by any game is a common thing, as it involves lot of graphics. But you should also remember, how many times you have been caught by cops in the game and hope you can’t even remember the number of times you have met with accident in that game. Its a game and speed is OK there, but please don’t play with your and especially others life in real life by showing your craze for Speed.

You might be a perfect rider and may be best in controlling your vehicle at any speed. But remember, there are always almost endless reasons for an accident to occur when we drive fast.

  • Someone else on the road may get scared seeing your speed. And may come on your way by mistake.
  • Some dust particles may go into your eyes suddenly and you may create disaster, if you drive fast.
  • Humps or speed breakers may also contribute to accidents when you ride fast.
  • Some innocent animals like Dog, pig, cat etc may come on your way suddenly.
  • Small children and old people or handicap people may come on your way by mistake.

like this, there is a long list, where someone else may contribute for an accident, when you are driving fast.

If you drive slowly, you can almost control your vehicles in most of the cases. And even if you met with an accident while driving slowly, the damages caused will be comparatively lesser.

If you believe that, when death is written in a persons fate, then he will die anyhow, so lets don’t care about driving fast. This would just be a foolish excuse.

You might have heard the saying:

With effort and prayers, destiny can be attained. Start the effort.

Like wise, we should not give any excuses, we should just put our 100% effort. And the rest leave it to fate.

We know that, every living being born on this earth will surly die one or the other day. This is a universal truth. And the Irony of life is: “Everybody wants to goto heaven, but nobody wants to die”.

I can just put some horrible pictures and videos of accidents here, but I am not here just to scare you with this post. But I want to convey that, driving your vehicles fast is not good. And I will be very happy, if you adopt the mantra ” Start Early, Drive Slowly, Reach Safely”.

There will be no necessity to drive faster, if you start early. And by driving slowly there is more chances of reaching the destiny safely.

Always remember your responsibility towards the society. Following these small responsibilities will really make a country safe to lead a happy life.

You must see the people suffering from accidents live in any hospitals, until then you can’t really know the value of this post.

“Please forward this article to all those people, about whom you really care. You could be saving some of them, by making them read this article. By forwarding this article, atleast, let them know that, there is someone who care about them.”

Add Language Translation to your Website

It is notable that, the majority of internet users are from non-English speaking community. Thus, its important to take care of non-English speaking visitors.

The most popular free Web-based language translation tools are offered by Google, AltaVista Babelfish and WorldLingo and some other wordpress plugins.

But all these services may not provoid 100% perfect translation. But we can relay on Google Translator, as there is an option where anybody can suggest the correct translations, in case Google Translator has translated wrongly. So we can say that, Google Translator is a constantly improving service.

Implementing Google Translator:

Just copy and paste the code to your wordpress blog, wherever you want the translator tool to appear.

<table id=webtable><tr><td>
<img src="http://technotip.org/wp-content/themes/NewsDen/images/translate.gif" border="0" alt="Translate" /></td>
<form action=""><input type=hidden name=u id=url value="<?php the_permalink() ?>" dir=ltr> <select size="4" name=langpair>
<option value="en|ar">Arabic</option>
<option value="en|bg">Bulgarian</option>
<option value="en|zh-TW">Chinese-Traditional</option>
<option value="en|hr">Croatian</option>
<option value="en|cs">Czech</option>
<option value="en|da">Danish</option>
<option value="en|nl">Dutch</option>
<option value="en|fi">Finnish</option>
<option value="en|fr">French</option>
<option value="en|de">German</option>
<option value="en|el">Greek</option>
<option value="en|hi">Hindi</option>
<option value="en|it">Italian</option>
<option value="en|pt">Portuguese</option>
<option value="en|zh-CN">Chinese-Simplified</option>
<option value="en|ja" selected>Japanese</option>
<option value="en|ru">Russian</option>
<option value="en|es">Spanish</option>
<option value="en|ko">Korean</option>
<option value="en|no">Norwegian</option>
<option value="en|pl">Polish</option>
<option value="en|ro">Romanian</option>
<option value="en|sv">Swedish</option>
<input type=hidden name=hl value="en"><input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF8"><input type=submit value="Translate"></form></td></tr></table>

If you are using blogspot.com then just replace < ?php the_permalink() ?> with < $BlogItemPermalinkUrl$> from the code and it should work fine with blogspot.

Google Translator can translate English to / from Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese-Simplified, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
The above list and the above code will be updated, as and when Google adds some new languages into its language translation tool.

We have implemented this tool in our blog too, and its working fine. And there are many visitors to this blog, from non-English speaking countries(as per Google-analytics report).
You can test this tool in our blog. We have placed it in the right side sidebar, with the heading “TRANSLATOR”. Below is a screen shot….


Note the changes that occurs after you add this translation tool to your blog/website. And please share your research and opinions about adding translation tools to your blogs / websites.

And if you have any problem implementing this tool, then please let us know about the problem in the comment section of this article, and we shall try our best to help you implement it.

Alternate to AdSense public service ads

This post has been taken from one of the Google’s official website. We have just tried to explain it in more simpler way. We just wanted to put some light on this topic and wanted to spread the message.So here we go…

Today we shall see how we can replace or redirect Public Service Ad ( PSA ) of AdSense effectively. By specifying a color, image, HTML page, or ad server of your choice, you can make sure that your advertising space is always being used effectively.
PSA are shown because, there are no relevant advertisements to be shown on your blog or you are violating certain rules set by Google Adsense.
Lets believe that we all have good contents, keywords and following all rules in our blog, but still there are  chances of PSA being shown on our blog, in some other country. Because, there may not be any ads configured to show in some regions. Lets say that, some ads may work in United States, but may show Public Service Ads in India. This is because, Google AdWord players can select certain regions to display their ads. This is called Geo-targeting.
So lets see, what we can do to make sure that there are no PSA displayed in our blog, in any country.

Alternate Ads Guide

Log into your AdSense account, click on setup tab. Choose AdSense for Content. There choose either Ad Unit or Link Unit and click Continue. Now you will get the option to show alternate Ads for PSA.


1. Color: Choose a color from the color picker(or enter any hexadecimal color code) and it will show the solid color when there are no ads to serve. Best practice would be, to choose the same color as the background of your website, so that the ad block seem to disappear.

2. Image or non- clickable image ad: If you’d like to use an image as your alternate ad, click the Show non-Google Ad from another URL radio button and enter the fully defined URL of the image in the Alternate ad text box. A fully defined URL is one that includes the http:// and ends with the image file name. Make sure that the image has the same dimensions as that of your ad slot.or else the images would be croped to the right and bottom edges.

For example:


For an ad with 250X250 dimension, choose an image exactly of 250X250.

Using this method, we can show some messages like “Subscribe to Technotip.org” in image format and we can encourage them to comeback again.

3. HTML page or clickable image ad: Below image is a self explanatory tutorial….

Open a text editor (Ex:- notepad) and follow below image for coding your own HTML page.


  • Use absolute URLs: Use absolute URLs when you’re coding this HTML page. An absolute URL is one that includes the entire, fully-defined path. This ensures that you won’t run into any errors when placing the code on various pages of your site.
  • Use target="_top": this code tells your browser which window to use when loading the destination page of your clickable image.Specifying the HTML page as your alternate ad

Now save the code with the extension .html (Ex:- alternate_250x150.html) and upload it to your server or to anywhere which is accessible from internet.(But for faster access upload it to the server where your website is hosted).

In the alternate ads text box, simply enter the fully defined path of the saved HTML page.

For example:

Click Continue to add your alternate ad selection to the code in your publisher account.

Using this technique we can show some referral ads or affiliate ads or we can even generate some image ads and connect it to some of the popular articles inside our site itself.

4. Collapsing ad units:

Collapsing ad units are an optional advanced feature of alternate ads — the collapsing ad unit code will ‘collapse’ your ad unit so that it takes up no page space if there are no targeted ads available. This allows you to minimize any blank space that would otherwise occur through the use of alternate colors, as the content around the ad unit will shift up to fill the empty space.

Below are the steps to implement this:

  1. Download the collapsing ad units file by right-clicking the link below and selecting Save Target as.. http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/google_adsense_script.html
  2. Copy this file to any location on your domain. Important: if you are running ads on multiple domains or subdomains, you will need to host this file on each of your domains and subdomains in order to use the collapsing ad units feature.
  3. In the Alternate Ads URL text box, enter the fully defined path to the collapsing ad units HTML file on your domain. For example: http://www.yoursitename.com/folder-name-if-any/google_adsense_script.html
  4. Click Continue.

Remember that, if you are using the ad codes in more than one website, then you need to upload this google_adsense_script.html file to all the servers, in order to use it.

Ex:- The file

google_adsense_script.html is at


can not be used at


you should upload it to http://www.yoursitename2.com/ before using it there.

This would solve and make use of each of your adspace(filled with AdSense) effectively.

And at Technotip.org, we have left one big 300×250 adSpot without any alternate ads.Because we would like to show our support to Public Service Ads.

AdSense for Mobile — Quick tips!

AdSenseforMobileAdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile webpages using targeted Google ads. Just like AdSense for content, with AdSense for mobile content Google matches ads to the content of your site — in this case, your mobile website. You’ll earn money whenever your mobile website’s visitors click on your ads. AdSense for mobile is available in a limited number of locations.

These ads are available in image only, text only and both image and text formates.

It would have been better, if they had CPM advertising in AdSense for mobile.Anyway, we are participating in the CPC model of AdSense for Mobile and so far it has been a very good experience.

Ad Placement and BehaviorAdSense-Mobile_Ad

* Only one AdSense for mobile ad unit may be displayed per mobile webpage.
* A “double” ad unit can only be placed on the bottom of the page, but may appear above the page’s footer (e.g. navigational links, copyright messages, etc.).
* Google ads displayed on a publisher’s mobile-compliant webpage may not be modified or obscured in any way.
* After a user click, display of the advertiser’s landing page may not be interrupted or prevented in any way. For instance, publishers may not display their own interstitial pages before taking users to the advertiser’s website.

Text Ads

Similarly, there is an image ad format also available. And only one image ad is shown(no multiple image ads can be shown using AdSense for Mobile Contextual Advertising).

There is no preview tool to see the Ads, you will just have to use any mobile phones to see the ads.

And your website must be written in one of these languages..

  • wml (WAP 1.x.)
  • xhtml (WAP 2.0)
  • chtml (imode, etc.)

How are mobile ads targeted?

AdSense for mobile ads are precisely matched to the content of your mobile webpage using the same targeting technology as AdSense for content. AdSense crawlers scan the page to determine its content and then automatically serve ads that are relevant to what your visitors see.

In order for Google to properly target ads to your mobile website, crawler needs to be able to access your mobile webpages. The phone useragent Google use to crawl your site will contain the string “Mediapartners-Google”, so set up your web server to grant access to your mobile content any useragent that contains “Mediapartners-Google”. If you don’t know about the useragent, then contact your hosting company and confirm that, “Mediapartners-Google” is allowed to access your contents.

Also be aware that Google will not be able to crawl your webpages for ads targeting if you are restricting access to your mobile website to a specific set of IP addresses.

If you want to participate in this, but don’t know how to build a Website compatible with Mobile phones, then here is a quick tip for you to get started in minutes -> Create Mobile version of your blog in minutes.

Have you tried AdSense for Mobile ?  Whats your opinion about it ?

Please share with us, whatever you feel about this monetizing technique…

Create Mobile version of your blog in minutes

We are happy to tell that Technotip.org will now be accessible on your wap/internet enabled mobile phones.

When we were observing visitors data in google-analytics, we found that many people were trying to access our blog using mobile browsers. So we decided to bring a mobile version of Technotip.org and as usual, we started searching in Google and finally we found a plugin called WP Mobile Edition 2.1.

NOTE: It works only with WordPress.

This plugin will automatically detect the mobile phone browser and will render the pages of your blog to the phone. The blog will be looking more simple, with just the post titles and links, arranged neatly. So there will be no delay in loading of pages.
And the important thing is, you can monetize your mobile version blog using AdSense for Mobile Content.

And for those who are using some other blog platform(This hack even works with wordpress):

Here is a quick hack…
Just use


replacing [feed_address] by your blogs exact feed address and put a link in your blog. This would enable your blog visitors to view your mobile version on their desktop or in their mobile phones. But the problem is, you will not be able to monetize it using AdSense for Mobile.

There are many companies providing free mobile websites, but they always come with .companyname.mobi URL attached with it, and you need to pay them to get the URL of your choice.

From now, you can always find a link to mobile version of this blog at the footer.

Please support us, by visiting our blog from your mobile phones, when you are away from your Personal Computers.

Also share your opinions about this article, in the comment section.

Recommending Doreo Host

Previously Technotip.org was hosted at Yahoo! and due to very bad downtime, I thought to shift it to some other reliable hosting company. I just Googled around and saw that Dreamhost was the most popular and almost all its customers were praising it in an unbelievable manner. I just jumped to buy hosting with them, and sent an email, asking for some clarifications. And I got a very fast response and with all my basic doubts cleared. I was still more impressed. But I was smelling a Rat, due to its offering of Terabytes of bandwidth and 500GB or more..of disk space.

I just bookmarked most of the websites that promoted Dreamhost and was watching for its reliability. To my wonder, all these sites had downtime of almost 2 to 4 times a day (yes, you heard it right, the downtime was on every day).

Frequent downtime means trouble to your visitors and to your SERP ranking. Search Engines will surly not be able to access your website/blog and this will surly have a very bad effect on PR and over all SERP ranking.

About the bandwidth offering from many hosting companies, are simply useless.Because, a very famous website/blog will not use even 20GB of Bandwidth.

About Bandwidth:

When a visitor views your site, all the text, pictures, and other files that make up your web pages are transferred to your visitor’s computer. Data transfer is a measure of the total amount of information your visitors view each month.
An average 5-page site with text and pictures will use 0.0003GB of data transfer per visit. A site with music and videos will use 0.02GB of data transfer per visit.

Doreo offers almost 60GB Bandwidth for its beginner hosting plan. It is cost effective, reliable, Digg proof, Spam free, very fast servers and the best hosting company with best uptime records.

Click here to see the cost of different plans and features.

Click here to see the Uptime records.

Click here to see the proof for best Spam filtering.

Update: Here at Technotip.org, we recommend only things which brings value to our visitors and to our recommendation. In order to give more value to our visitors, we had a deal with Doreo host and asked for a discount coupon or promo code.
And we are very much happy to announce that, we have got a promo code “technotip.org” (without cotes). This would give you FREE hosting for first 45 days or 12$ discount for all other hosting plans with Doreo.
This promo code works only for those who signup with Doreo for the first time.
Caution: This promo code does not work, when you try to signup from any other referral URL. To use this promo code you should go through this link Doreo.
And please leave a comment after using this promo code. And please comment, if you have any problem in using this promo code. This promo code is working perfectly.

And I must tell about its Support staff. They are the best and highly dedicated. They can do any kind of help related to your hosting. Many times, the Support staff itself will install software for you and setup the wordpress and everything, if you ask them to do. You will just have to start blogging.

And those who are searching for a good host, to transfer their already existing files from their previous host, then Doreo host would be a perfect solution. You will be guided by the support person so well that, you will find it no difficult in the entire process of transferring.

There are some video tutorials to help us get familiar with their cpanel, fantastico ( for one click installation of wordpress and other software) and other services.

And you can chat with the Support staff and get solutions for your problems instantly. I haven’t waited more than 5 minutes for the reply.

About their Reliability:

Doreo has been in the web hosting business for over 7 years. They have hosted websites from the smallest personal sites to high volume websites like www.phpbb.com. They strive to maintain a “small company” personality for their customers while still providing an excellence in support in reliability ( Doreo host  average server uptime was over 99.9% in 2005, 99.994% in 2006 and 99.982% in 2007 as report by HyperSpin independent monitoring ).

And the best part is, you can see the status of your server at Doreo any time.

Quality Hardware:

Doreo Hosting uses only Dell and SuperMicro servers. All Doreo web servers have the following minimum specification:

  • Dual Xeon 3.0 Ghz
  • 2 GB memory
  • Hard Drives setup in hardware RAID for fault tolerance

Quality Network

Doreo hosting provides over 15 GB of network capacity utilizing multiple tier-1 network providers. Current network providers includes:

  • Savvis
  • Leve3
  • Telia
  • nLayer

For more details on the Doreo network, please visit their network page.

Bad things with other hosting companies are, they oversell their service(i.e., by offering unlimited bandwidth/disk space or tera bytes of bandwidth/disk space etc). And they will accumulate many sites on one server and get things to jam easily. Because of this, they will have many downtime’s each day.

Technotip.org is now hosted at Doreo, and I am a happy, satisfied customer.

If you have used Doreo host , please share your thoughts and experience with us.
And also share your experience with current hosting company..

Problogger book review

For those of you who don’t know about the book… This book was written by two well known bloggers of the industry, Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett.


Darren Rowse(image, to the left) is the guy behind the successful ProBlogger.net. He has been blogging since 2005, and is a professional, full time blogger himself. He is one of the founders of b5media(a blog network) and is a VP of Blogger Training, at b5media. He also edits the famous Digital Photography School, as well as many other blogs.

He lives in AUSTRALIA, with his Wife and children.


Chris Garrett(image, to the right), is a professional blogger, Internet Marketing Consultant, new media industry commentator, writer, coach, speaker, trainer and web geek. You might know him from his past writing for such sites as ASPToday, ASPAlliance, Threadwatch, or more recently, ProBlogger,The Blog Herald, FreelanceSwitch, Cogniview, AdSavvy and CopyBlogger.

If you are looking for a Consultant, then Chris Garrett would be the best, as he has lot of experience.

Chris was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1974. He lives in the UK with his wife, daughter and two overweight, treat-addicted cats, and a new puppy.


This book covers these topics:-


1. Blogging for Money…………………………………1

2. Niche Blogging………………………………………23

3. Setting Up Your Blog……………………………….45

4. Blog Writing………………………………………….77

5. Blog Income and Earning Strategies………………105

6. Buying and Selling Blogs……………………………131

7. Blog Networks……………………………………….151

8. Blog Promotion and Marketing……………………..165

9. Secrets of Successful Blogs……………………….189

10. Creating Something Worthwhile………………….203


I have mentioned the page numbers also along with the topics, just to show how much to expect about each topic.

This book is carefully crafted and the topics are arranged so nicely that, a beginner to blogging can also understand it clearly. In fact, what I found is, this book is mainly helpful for people who have just heard of blogging and are interested in trying it out.

For those who are in this blogging business for a while will find many things in the book told over and over again in many blogs.And for those who are regular readers of problogger.net, its just the same stuffs that you find regularly, but in an very intelligently organized manner(topic wise).

In the book, we can find links to some useful websites and tools, which will help for all bloggers.

And the topics, I most liked are, Niche Blogging and about passive income tactics.

Each chapter is finished with a tip, a summary or an exercise for the reader, which makes the book look more professional. Darren and Chris have explained all the problems that they came across, in the beginning days of their blogging.

We can find almost all the aspects that a blogger should know to start a blog. And also step by step guidance to setup the hosting and one click wordpress installation.

This book would be, the best source for beginners and a handy guide for those who have been blogging for a while and a reference to advance users.

It would be wrong, if I don’t say that, all the information in this book can be found somewhere or in problogger.net itself. But the positive thing about this book is, it has everything at one place, well organized, well structured and with no extra unnecessary things. Things are written by keeping in mind all kind of bloggers(those who blog for money, fame, networking etc).

And the important thing is, it just costs $16.49.This is not a big amount for those who are aspiring to be professional blogger some day.

If you wish to buy this book, then here is the link for it ProBloggerBook

And it would have been nice, if we had got a FREE CD/DVD, containing some of the video tutorial from Darren, along with the ProBlogggerBook.

Anyway, Darren and Chris, I will be waiting for the Part-2 of the book, and now I am expecting a lot advanced topics to be covered.

And Best-of-luck for all your future projects Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett….

Guys/girls out there, have you read the ProBloggerBook? What do you feel about the Book? please share with us…