Image Rollover Effect – using Simple HTML

When visitor roll mouse pointer over a image, s/he will see a different image, when s/he moves mouse pointer out of the image focus, s/he will see the previous image. This is called RollOver Effect. This method is mostly done using JaveScript. It is used mainly on images, while building menu etc.

Yesterday I had written an article about OnlineProfits re-lauch and I had used rollover effect to one of the images there, and some people asked me how I did it(Simple Ans: See the source code 😉 ).
So here is the simple code to achieve this design effect:

<a href="Destination Address" 
ONMOUSEOVER='thinkwithsatish.src="ImageURL-when-mouseover" ' 
'><center><img src="ImageURL-to-be-shown-by-default" 

ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT are valid JS effects. Since all most all browsers support JS, this works fine.

Give a name to the actual image to be displayed:
<img src="URL-of-default-image" NAME="thinkwithsatish"/>
I have named above tag src as thinkwithsatish. Now Refer to this name by using ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT commands.

ONMOUSEOVER='thinkwithsatish.src="ImageURL-when-mouseover" '

ONMOUSEOUT='thinkwithsatish.src="ImageURL-when-mouseout" '

Hope the rest of the code is self explanatory.

Code in action!:

Now you can test it by taking your mouse pointer in and out of image area. If you don’t see any changes, place the mouse pointer over the image for some time – because in some cases, it takes some time to load.

I see that, it works perfectly in Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. I haven’t tested it in other browsers. And interestingly, I saw it working even in RSS feed!

Many people use content management system software like WordPress, to publish their content. So in order to include a RollOver effect using JavaScript means – editing the header part or installing a plugin which does the job etc. So instead we can incorporate this simple coding to get the design effect.

Design Tip: This is just the coding/programming part. To get the effect on the design, you must choose such images which will have good effect on users mind. So choose the images wisely.

I am not sure, how helpful it is to you. But it surly helps me sometime to get some minimal design effects on my WordPress blog posts. Re-launches, And This Time There Is Something For Everyone!

The report is all about “10 Deadly Business Mistakes You Should Avoid“. You may feel – ha again, the list! But I will reveal you a secret, which only Daniel and his first set of students know. i.e., The REPORT contains many key lessons(Modified to suit the REPORT format) that were tough in the first launch of OnlineProfits training program and now YOU are getting it for FREE. What are you doing? Stop reading and grab your copy of the REPORT.

Doors of will be open again on January 18 (Monday), 2010 — by far the most complete Internet Marketing and Online Business training program on the web.

But we know that, most people are sick of watching different online programs launch, pre-launch, re-launch etc! But you must visit OnlineProfits this time — no excuse!!

The site is re-designed and looks good and it now has a section where we can read articles mainly related to internet marketing and online business. That’s not all, the main reason I told you to visit the website is to download the REPORT.

One of the main reasons to write about re-launch of OnlineProfits is its “REPORT“. I have gone through the entire report and its Gold. You can’t miss it – if you have or want to have a online business.


The report is all about “10 Deadly Business Mistakes You Should Avoid“. You may feel – ha again, the list! But I will reveal you a secret, which only Daniel and his first set of students know. i.e., The REPORT contains many key lessons(Modified to suit the REPORT format) that were tough in the first launch of OnlineProfits training program and now YOU are getting it for FREE. What are you doing? Stop reading and grab your copy of the REPORT.


And as an added bonus – people who signup and download the report will receive some cool stuffs from Daniel via email. I am sure, we can learn a lot.

I know many people who are very sincere at downloading things, but they never get time to go through the content. So I would suggest you atleast go through the “action points” now, and you can read the rest of the report whenever you plan to read it.

I remember these lines, when someone says ” I don’t have time – while he/she is lying on the bed”:
1. Who says nothing is impossible ? – I have been doing nothing for years!
2. I’,m so busy doing nothing that, I dont have time to do anything else!

Hey, nothing related to this topic – just remembered it while talking about people not finding time to read a valuable thing related to their business.

Now back to reopening of
The lessons of the Online Profits training program have been produced by top experts from different fields and specializations.

Daniel Scocco, Michael Gray, Neil Patel, Yaro Starak, Chris Garrett, Tamar Weinberg, Hamlet Batista, Zac Jonhson, Courtney Tuttle, Nathan Rice.

List of modules (each of which contains lessons, video tutorials, case studies and interviews):
1. Introduction and Business Principles
2. Domain Names
3. Setting Up Your Website
4. Markets and Niches
5. Business Models
6. WordPress
7. Web Design for Entrepreneurs
8. Blogging
9. Keyword Research and Mini Websites
10. Online Forums and Communities
11. Online Stores
12. Web Content and Linkbaiting
13. Basic SEO
14. Advanced SEO
15. Link Building
16. Traffic Generation
17. Web Metrics
18. Social Media
19. Selling Advertising
20. Email Marketing
21. Affiliate Marketing
22. Pay-per-Click (PPC)
23. Landing Page Optimization
24. Selling Your Own Products

I am not sure about the price of the training program yet, but you can have this as a rough figure and can look at the actual price at OnlineProfits:

This launch may cost 4 payments of $98 each (so $392 in the end). It will give the members who pay in full lifetime access to the program, including the lessons, exclusive resources, content library, social clubs and private forum.

And hey, they also have 30 days money back guarantee, so do not hesitate to join and check whether its a course for you or not in that 30 days period.

And don’t forget to download this valuable REPORT at

Google Doodle Special – Apple falls!

If you observe today, you can find a falling Apple! indicating the invention of Gravitation. The Doodle marks 366th birthday of Sir Isaac Newton.
Does this Apple Doodle(shown in above video) has anything to do with this “Browser War?”

If you observe today, you can find a falling Apple! indicating the invention of Gravitation. The Doodle marks 366th birthday of Sir Isaac Newton.

You might have also noticed that, clicking on “I’m Feeling Lucky” button sparks some crackers(virtually!) and wishes Happy New Year.

Happy Google
Google Chrome Overtakes Apple’s Safari in market share.

safari v/s chrome

Does this Apple Doodle(shown in above video) has anything to do with this “Browser War?”

Image Source: TheAppleBlog

Are You Puzzling Your Visitors/Readers? Check List

It was completely different, if you were already a big brand or a celebrity. People will be mentally connected to you and will bare the inconvenience and do the things which you want them to do! But if you are like most of us, then you will have to think from users perspective.

This is exactly what comes to my mind when I visit a website/blog which is filled with many “call to action!” – Are You Trying To Puzzle ?

For example, there are many News websites and entertainment websites which are so confusing that, we bloggers can observe them and take advantage of it, by not doing such things on our blog.

Some of the puzzling things
1. Display half a page or so – ads!, and some dozens of sponsored links above the fold.
Displaying a lot of coupon codes/discount coupons of various products(which may be invalid), to gain search engine visitors to those keywords.


2. Some 15 to 20 social media widgets – for you, to inform your friends, family and their dog about the website.
And some more widgets to join their fan clubs – 1 fan club is a good idea. 2 is ok. Anything above 3 or 4 is a bad idea.

3. Some flash ads and animated .gif banners.

4. Few pop ups and pop under and not to forget text link ads(like kontera – which you may see on our blog too! , Infolinks etc).

5. And its quite common that, they will be having many CPM ads on their site, and so they need us to refresh the pages and visit various pages on their site – and its easy, break the single article into two(or even more) and link to it at the bottom of the first article, and link back to the 1st page from the 2nd page, so on.

6. Having a pop up, asking you to signup for a news letter – and the popup having no exit option!

7. Some audio/video(some time, sponsored audio/video), auto-playing! and the visitor searching all the open tabs for the possible culprit(to shut-it-down).

8. One or the other contest going on, and you participating in it with half a mind, because the prize is so valuable but you haven’t seen them announcing a winner. When announced, there will be no clue about the winners existence.

9. And a funny thing – I saw a Twitter widget integrated on one of the famous entertainment site, which shows the recent tweets of some one at their office. I thought, they want to give some real time entertainment news to their visitors. But when I observed it closely, all the previous tweets from almost months were tweeted by some bot(automatic tweets!), and most tweets were out of topic. Ex:- I increased my Twitter followers by using this service, check them out. bla bla bla.

10. And what else or what not ? ha…they also have some syndicated contents!

Innocent mistake:
Even though they have all these puzzling things around, not all News/Entertainment sites are useless. There are sites, which have good quality content. But the thing is, they forget their main product. The basic element that they wanted to sell you. That is their content or any of their own product, say a DVD or CD or their magazine.

But when the ad revenue or the other benefits get bigger then their main product they may get distracted and may start puzzling their readers with more of what makes them profitable, for the time being.

Smart Planning and Execution:
I have seen some people not displaying any ads or banners on their site for many years, and finally they release their own product – they take time to bring up a exclusive, quality product, while building a group of target audience. Once the product is launched, some people will surly talk about it on their websites, forums etc.
Similarly when a already messy site adds one more mess to its sidebar, who cares about it? And so the site owner will continue with the puzzling act of make money, instead of concentrating on their product.

Are You A Big Brand or a Celebrity?
It was completely different, if you were already a big brand or a celebrity. People will be mentally connected to you and will bare the inconvenience and do the things which you want them to do! But if you are like most of us, then you will have to think from users perspective.

But then, Some Facts..
Also know the fact that, many of these news/entertainment sites have got premium publisher accounts. That means they earn a major share in the total earnings they generate, unlike the usual 50 – 50 or 30 – 50 or 60 – 50 ratios. Some ad networks even pay 80% to their premium publishers. Because if they can retain some key players, they are sure to retain their loyal followers too. But such sites will have multiple posters and many many many posts in their archive.
Blogs with single author or 2 or 3 authors will have a hard time building such a site. Instead, you can concentrate on building a community around the blog, who can stick around longer. So, you may have to stop puzzling your readers and build the community, authority, trust around your blog/brand.

The final take from this post is:
1. If you have any widgets/banner on your sidebar, then take some time now itself and remove them.
2. I believe, you have some call to action to your visitors. Like news letter signup, buy this button for your product etc. Focus on the main thing(s), rather than wanting your visitors to do all the things which you expect them to do.
3. Avoid forcing your visitors to take certain actions. Let them choose what they want to do and what they don’t.
4. Teach your visitors whats on your blog. Ex:- Twitter had a video explaining what Twitter is all about. Similarly, some people write and educate their readers about things like – What is RSS. What are the bubble links that they are seeing when they hover over certain words – intext ads etc.
5. Label the things properly: Label the things like, subscription form, Search form, News letter form, recent links, popular links, Sponsored link, advertisements etc.
6. choose a good niche and try to be on topic as far as possible. Think, what if your favorite politics blog suddenly started writing only about entertainment and traveling!
7. Let the design of your blog be simple and well structured. And load before your visitor forgets, what he was looking for!
8. Do some testing and know which widgets your visitors use frequently to share the content on your blog. Retain such things and remove the rest.

You may earn a dollar more today by puzzling/confusing/misleading your visitor, but remember, with that intention, you might have already missed a big opportunity. Better late then not, you can take action now and never miss an opportunity in the future.

What do you think of sites which try to puzzle visitors/readers. I have left point, 9, 10 empty. Would love to know your experience, in the comment section.

Guide To Make Money Via Twitter: We Hate Spam Too!

First of all, let me make it clear – I am not here to suggest you or convince you to start using your Twitter account to scatter some sponsored ads and make loads of money from it.
A single rule of thumb be – “Provide Value to Your Followers.”

First of all, let me make it clear – I am not here to suggest you or convince you to start using your Twitter account to scatter some sponsored ads and make loads of money from it.

I am here to suggest some of the ways you can make money without annoying/hurting your followers.

My simple excuse for trying this service!
If you have used a product/service and satisfied with it, and if you get to tweet about the same product/service, then why not?

With so much of buzz about Making Money using Twitter, many people will be eager to know whether its just a hype or something worth while.

With this in mind, I started researching and testing some of the sponsored tweet services.

My official Twitter ID is @technotip and I tested sponsored tweets with my brand new Twitter a/c @thinkwithsatish

I got 2000+ followers in matter of days using This is an online tool designed by Daniel Scocco of
I suggest you to visit the website(even if you don’t want), and signup for the newsletter there. You will get a valuable Twitter course for Free.


Sponsored Tweet Service:
There are lot of websites which promise to make you rich, but never show up with a sponsored tweet again! I personally tested many of these websites(with my unofficial Twitter a/c @thinkwithsatish ) and here are some of the websites, from where you will get maximum value for your tweets(will add more websites to the list, after testing and retesting).

1. Adly: Calculates and shows how much you can expect to earn from 1 tweet.
2. SponsoredTweets
3. My Likes: This one is for most of us. You get a list of sponsored tweets, you can select the one you like, and tweet it or post on your blog. And you will receive money when someone clicks on those sponsored ads. Simple. The advantage is, even people will small number of followers can also participate and make money. Now the exciting thing! Payouts are fixed to as low as $2. Yes, you read it right. And the payment will be made once in a week i.e., on each Friday. You can almost get paid each week.

There are many more such services, but I suggest not to get distracted with any low paying services. Use only those services which you think will satisfy your followers and your pocket! ( I mean, provide best value to your tweets. )

All these websites have a market place where advertisers will select a particular group of twitterers to spread their message. In order to get more sponsors you need to maintain a good conversion rate stats, otherwise you will not get more sponsors. If you think of long term, then engage your followers and make sure that your tweets get some attention(in the distracting busy timeline of your followers).

And make sure to enter the interest area of the sponsored tweets(using keywords), so that only those tweet requests which you think would be a best suit for your target audience/followers will show up to you.

Caution: At times, when you start getting more sponsors, hence more money out of your Tweets, don’t be tempted to go the spammers way to make money. Stick on to your policies and make sure that you don’t annoy your followers by endorsing crap product/service.

A single rule of thumb be – “Provide Value to Your Followers.

Disclaimer: I am not using my official Twitter a/c( @technotip ) for tweeting sponsored ads, thinking that it may disappoint my followers. As I said above, I used a brand new Twitter a/c( @thinkwithsatish ) to test all these. So using the above services is solely at your discreet.

New “labs” feature for webmasters rescue – Google Webmaster tools

Google Webmaster tools has introduced new labs feature – Labs is a testing ground for experimental features that aren’t quite ready for primetime. They may change, break or disappear at any time.
With the introduction of labs in Google webmaster tools, they have brought up 2 useful things:

Google Webmaster tools has introduced new labs feature – Labs is a testing ground for experimental features that aren’t quite ready for primetime. They may change, break or disappear at any time.

With the introduction of labs in Google webmaster tools, they have brought up 2 useful things:
1. Fetch as Googlebot
2. Malware details

Fetch as Googlebot:
The Fetch As Googlebot tool lets you see a page as Googlebot sees it. This is particularly interesting tool. We can analyze poor performance in search engines and we can take certain steps to improve.
The cause for the poor performance may be that, your visitors may be seeing something and Googlebot something else. If you use rich media, by using Fetch As Googlebot, you can see how Googlebot see the same page – whether they are able to crawl it or not.
While using Fetch as Googlebot, you can simply click on the Fetch button to see homepage being fetched. Or enter the URL of the article(without homepage URL). Note that, you need to enter a /(slash) at the end of URL orelse the fetching will not complete successfully[Google should think of fixing this].
After few seconds of submitting the URL, refresh the page and click on Success link, to see the fetched codes.


Ex: Some months back we had a problem with our blog.
1. Search results started showing only the Title of the blog, instead of article title/heading.
2. Pingback also started Displaying Blog Title and not Headline of Post.

We had hard time figuring out what was the cause for all the duplicate title errors in our Webmaster tools.
Finally with the help of a tool called spider-test, we rectified and fixed the problem.
You can read the full story here – Problem with Pingback and Title tag – Its Solution.

Spider test is a tool similar to Fetch as Googlebot. Spider test is a search engine indexing simulator tool which shows the source code of a page, all outbound links on the page, and common words and phrases found in the page copy.
Fetch as Googlebot is still in labs and we hope it will graduate with more power and usefulness.

Malware details:
This gives the details of the problem related to malware, which are affecting your web site. It gives the individual URLS and details such as the scripts/code that may be affecting the web site etc.
Now you know, where to look when you think that some malicious code has been injected into your website.

Use these tools and test your website, if you feel they are under performing in search engines, you may get to know what the culprit is.

You can access these tools:
1. On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.
2. On the Dashboard, under Labs, click Fetch as Googlebot or Malware details.
3. In the text box, type the path to the page you want to check(with a / at the end), and click Fetch.
Malware details will be listed automatically, if found any.

Promote Your Business/Blog/Service on Orkut: FREE!

After status update, suggested friends, chat, SMS, widgets etc features, here comes one more important and most awaited feature orkut ‘promote’: a free tool to help you spread the news to all your orkut friends…and beyond!

Now marketers, bloggers can invest their time in tweaking the ad copy to impress Orkut users, to drive traffic, leads and sales.

When you first create a promotion, only your friends will be able to see it. Once they click on “promote it!”, their friends can see it.. and so on.

To see the number of clicks, views, Promotions, Trashes, goto “promote”, then click on “my promotions” tab.

Source: Orkut Blog

Ad format support:
For content creation, it supports Text, Image or YouTube Video. Text also supports the regular scrap markup, and is limited to 200 characters.
Only images that you have uploaded to Orkut and which is set to public viewing can be used. You can stop or delete a promotion that you’ve created at any time.

How to make your promotional content VIRAL ?
It is obvious that, the content that you are showcasing must be interesting. Along with that, you have to have friends who you actually know. If you just add every friend request and have no idea of who it is, then you most probably will not receive vote for your content(ad).

On the other hand, if you have 1000 active, and known friends your content will go VIRAL very soon.

1. If you are a blogger, you can find 1000 blog readers in Orkut and send them friend request.
After they have accepted the friend request, you can use your blog logo and good ad copy to promote your blog/product/service/business.
2. Publish your “Orkut Promotion ads” on your blog, so that your readers are familiar with the ad copy, and can vote for you when they see it in Orkut.
3. Remember, there are more Indian and Brazilian citizens using Orkut, so language also counts. It depends on who you are targeting and more importantly who your friends are.


New things to be expected from Orkut:
1. Algorithm to track people who are trying to game the system.
2. Ability to create a Vanity URL for our profile.
3. Indexable by search engines(except the data which is set private)

Down side:
Also expect
1. More spammers.
2. More scammers, telling that they will make your ad to be shown to millions of Orkut users.
3. More and more people wasting their time trying to game the system.

Do not ignore the potential of promoting your business on Orkut. For more details of Orkut users, you can have a look at their advertise page.

If you are presently seeing adsense ads, then remember, Orkut Promote is used by both advertisers and orkut users. You can advertise on Orkut using AdWord also(which costs money).

Do you already have a strategy to make your content(ad) go viral on Orkut?

AdSense for Mobile Content — for New high-end devices!

According to Google AdSense program policies publishers are allowed to place only one ad unit on any mobile webpage.

Google added a new feature, according to which, you can choose to show adsense ads only to high-end devices(like iPhone)or to “All phones”.

According to Google AdSense program policies publishers are allowed to place only one ad unit on any mobile webpage.
Google added a new feature, according to which, you can choose to show adsense ads only to high-end devices(like iPhone)or to “All phones”.
By default ads are set to show only on iPhone and other high-end devices. If you like to show ads for all devices, then you have to choose “All phones” option from the drop down menu.
As always, we can show: “Text Only Ads”, “Image Only Ads”, or “Text and Image Ads(default)”.

Supported Ad formates(size):
320 x 50 Leaderboard
250 x 250 Square
200 x 200 Small Square
300 x 250 Medium Rectangle

We are waiting for more info on this, from the official website. And we guess that, all the mobile webpages, which have adsense ads will automatically be set to show ads only to high-end devices. If you want to make sure, to show ads on all the phones, then goto your adsense account and use the new code.