How to Edit Videos in YouTube

Now YouTube offers basic editing tools, to edit and add effects to the uploaded videos and you can retain the same content ID to it even after the edit and save.

Videos with over 1,000 views and videos with third-party content can only be saved as new videos once edited.

Trim: You can edit cut and remove the unwanted ends of the video.
Rotate: You can rotate the video.
Stabilize: Revoke Shaky Camera Motions.


I’m Feeling Lucky: One-click fix for lighting and color.


Fill Light: Values from 0 to 5.
Contrast: Values from 0 to 5.
Saturation: Values from 0 to 5.
Color Temperature: Values from 0 to 5.

There is a “Revert to Original” button, so that you can revert to the original, if you do some mistake while editing. So, fear not, give it a try!


Effects: To add effects to the video..chose the effects from the library. YouTube with collaboration of Picnik, has made this effects look effective with just click of a button.

Finally after all the edit, hit the “Save” button at the top right hand corner to save the changes or just click on “Cancel” to cancel the edit.

Audio tab: Swap out the audio soundtrack on your video with free tracks from the library.

So give it a try, and let us know what you feel..

Is Your Website Really Down or Is It Just You?

it happens sometimes, you are not able to access your blog/website and rest of the world is still enjoying your fabulous writing.This post is to remind people to bookmark this tool, because we have seen people who openup Google and try some keywords to find this tool. They already know the tool, but forgot to bookmark.

Some times it’s difficult to know whether your website is actually down for everyone or only for you!

1. Your IP address might have got blocked somehow.
2. Your internet connection might be the victim.
3. Your browser might have blocked the site, for some weird reason 🙂

Anyway, it happens sometimes, you are not able to access your blog/website and rest of the world is still enjoying your fabulous writing.

To know whether its just you or everyone, we can use this wonderful tool called Most of you know this tool already, but if you forgot to bookmark it, then do it now. And those of you who had not heard of this tool, then take note of it and bookmark – it will surly come handy in difficult times.

I Love the simplicity of the website. There are no ads plastered all around and making you search for the place to put your website URL and hit enter only to get more of ads and some popups and a video playing and then telling “Try Again!”. Don’t worry about such things, Downforeveryoneorjustme is as simple as

This post is to remind people to bookmark this tool, because we have seen people who openup Google and try some keywords to find this tool. They already know the tool, but forgot to bookmark. So they try all sorts of keywords – Website down only me, blog down for everyone or just me, down everyone or just me, etc. Instead, if you bookmark it, you will be more comfortable when the need arises.

Add Language Translation to your Website

It is notable that, the majority of internet users are from non-English speaking community. Thus, its important to take care of non-English speaking visitors.

The most popular free Web-based language translation tools are offered by Google, AltaVista Babelfish and WorldLingo and some other wordpress plugins.

But all these services may not provoid 100% perfect translation. But we can relay on Google Translator, as there is an option where anybody can suggest the correct translations, in case Google Translator has translated wrongly. So we can say that, Google Translator is a constantly improving service.

Implementing Google Translator:

Just copy and paste the code to your wordpress blog, wherever you want the translator tool to appear.

<table id=webtable><tr><td>
<img src="" border="0" alt="Translate" /></td>
<form action=""><input type=hidden name=u id=url value="<?php the_permalink() ?>" dir=ltr> <select size="4" name=langpair>
<option value="en|ar">Arabic</option>
<option value="en|bg">Bulgarian</option>
<option value="en|zh-TW">Chinese-Traditional</option>
<option value="en|hr">Croatian</option>
<option value="en|cs">Czech</option>
<option value="en|da">Danish</option>
<option value="en|nl">Dutch</option>
<option value="en|fi">Finnish</option>
<option value="en|fr">French</option>
<option value="en|de">German</option>
<option value="en|el">Greek</option>
<option value="en|hi">Hindi</option>
<option value="en|it">Italian</option>
<option value="en|pt">Portuguese</option>
<option value="en|zh-CN">Chinese-Simplified</option>
<option value="en|ja" selected>Japanese</option>
<option value="en|ru">Russian</option>
<option value="en|es">Spanish</option>
<option value="en|ko">Korean</option>
<option value="en|no">Norwegian</option>
<option value="en|pl">Polish</option>
<option value="en|ro">Romanian</option>
<option value="en|sv">Swedish</option>
<input type=hidden name=hl value="en"><input type=hidden name=ie value="UTF8"><input type=submit value="Translate"></form></td></tr></table>

If you are using then just replace < ?php the_permalink() ?> with < $BlogItemPermalinkUrl$> from the code and it should work fine with blogspot.

Google Translator can translate English to / from Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese-Simplified, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
The above list and the above code will be updated, as and when Google adds some new languages into its language translation tool.

We have implemented this tool in our blog too, and its working fine. And there are many visitors to this blog, from non-English speaking countries(as per Google-analytics report).
You can test this tool in our blog. We have placed it in the right side sidebar, with the heading “TRANSLATOR”. Below is a screen shot….


Note the changes that occurs after you add this translation tool to your blog/website. And please share your research and opinions about adding translation tools to your blogs / websites.

And if you have any problem implementing this tool, then please let us know about the problem in the comment section of this article, and we shall try our best to help you implement it.