Feedburner Chicklet after Migration

Have you observed the change in the Feedburner Chicklet, after your feeds have been migrated from feedburner to Google?
technotip-feed-ChickletPreviously you could see the label “By Feedburner”. After the migration, that label has been marked with black color, making it almost not visible.
But I feel that, Google would have easily changed the image and labeled it “By Google”. Hope they are not so serious about their brand name! or they may be hard at work in changing this simple image!

As far as my observation, Google had never been left behind in branding, promoting its products, let it be a payed one or the free service. Its brand name “Google” itself brings more value and focus of many people around the world.

Hope Google will soon do something to this Chicklet image, and use it to brand themselves with the Free feed service.

Have you observed the changes in the Chicklet? And have you experienced any other changes after the migration? please share it with us in the comment section.

AdSense for Feeds, is rolled over to all publishers

With frequent hints from  Feedburner, today all publishers account got AdSense for Feed in their account. Previously it was available only to some selective AdSense publishers.

I was excited to start using it, but when I rushed to “get started”, I saw a message that said- “You have no feeds in your account yet.”

After that I realized that, our feeds must be first migrated from our old feeds to Google.

I already have my feedburner account and I wanted to transfer it to Google, and that was too easy to do….

Just drop an email to adsense-support-aff@google.com with the following details…

  • Your FeedBurner account username
  • The Google Account email address you use to sign in to AdSense

I wrote to Google with the following Subject “Migrate all of my feeds, from feeds.feedburner.com to Google “, to make sure that my email is read.

Thats it, all your feeds will be migrated to Google.

Some of the features of AdSense for Feeds are…


We can choose the color, image only/image and text/text only ads, Frequency of the ads to appear,Post length, Position of the ad etc.

Here are some of the screen shots…



Hope this will bring some value to those who publish full feed, like Technotip.org. And hope this will bring in some extra income to all publishers. And as always, thanks to Google…

“Happy Independence Day to India & Pakistan —  Aug 15th.”