Bigger Is Better! (Bada hai to behtar hai)
Google has finally announced yet another Large Skyscraper, 300×600 ad unit. Which has both Text as well as image/rich media ads.
Since this is new ad format, currently only text ads are running on most of the websites. Once advertisers start taking notice of this, and start exploiting the potential of this big beast, we can see some creative which take up half of the page!
From previous tests conducted by Google, bigger ads have been performing better than smaller ad units. So we guess, 300×600 ad unit would yield more.
You can see them on our site sidebar. Sometimes it looks so awkward, but we have to see it’s performance over time.
I’m looking forward to see image/rich media ads on our site. It’s an opportunity for brands to showcase their creative effectively.

Get to it:
My ads -> New ad unit -> select 300×600 ad unit