We all know how our attention span is getting shorter and shorter. We are no longer patient to read long text, we are no longer able to wait till the long introduction is finished to get the actual content.
If we can’t wait, we just Google and go to some other site which provides the meat directly. Keeping the fluff at bay!
With all these early evolution and internet still being in its infancy, Video content has gained a lot of credibility and viewership.
There are many people who are making their living by shooting videos. And no, these people are not Hollywood or Bollywood video makers! They are just like you and me. They are normal people like us. So I thought, if I’m normal too then why not try this!!
It’s comparatively easy to get YouTube Partnership these days. Earlier there were lot of restrictions like country, daily impressions etc. But now, as far I know original useful content is all it needs for one to get into YouTube’s Partnership program.

Below are some guidelines:
(youtube partnership requirements)
1. Open a YouTube a/c. Make sure you do not upload any copyright protected videos. It shouldn’t even contain copyright protected music or art work display. Everything you upload must be owned by you.
2. Upload some unique video content.
3. Make sure they are safe even for children to watch.
4. Leave it for some days or even months, so that it generates some views. This is to make sure, what you have uploaded is valuable and people are looking for it. Meanwhile keep producing and uploading useful video content to your YouTube account.
5. Go to http://youtube.com/partners and apply for the partners program.
6. While applying, make sure to fill appropriate data.
7. Keep creating and uploading quality videos.
I applied for YouTube partnership program on 07 Feb 2011 and got approved on 04 May 2011.
After Applying for YouTube Partner Program:
I got this message:
Thank you for your interest in the YouTube Partner Program. Applications are reviewed for a variety of criteria, including but not limited to the size of your audience, country of residence, quality of content, and consistency with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Please note: if your application is not approved, you will not be able to apply to the program again for 2 months.
The YouTube Partner Program is intended for users who want to generate revenue from their existing audience. If you are more interested in increasing your audience, you may want to start with the YouTube Promoted Videos.
Emails I got from YouTube, after I was approved for YouTube Partnership Program:
Dear Satish,
Thank you for your interest in the YouTube Partner Program!
The information you provided in the online sign-up form has been reviewed and approved for partnership. Please proceed and review the tutorial and accept the contract. Once you accept the contract you will need to associate a Google AdSense account to activate your partnership.
Step 1:Online Sign-Up Form Approval
Step 2: Tutorial Completion and Contract
Step 3:Associating your Google AdSense account
You will be required to agree to and comply with the terms of the contract as a condition of your continued participation in the program.Thanks,
The YouTube Team
Dear Satish,
Thanks again for your interest in the YouTube Partner Program. Your application has been reviewed and approved for the first stage of the application process. We wanted to check in, as you have not yet completed Step 2, creating and linking your Google AdSense and YouTube accounts. All partners need an approved AdSense account in order to receive payment and be accepted in the program. Please sign in to your YouTube account and proceed to Step 2 by clicking on the link below. Thank you!
Step 1:Online Sign-Up Form Approval
Step 2: Google AdSense Approval and Linkage
Step 3:Tutorial Completion and Contract
If you experience any problems with the link, try signing in to your YouTube account and copying http://www.youtube.com/partpro_adsense directly into your browser. If you have any other questions about the application process, please reply to this email.If you are no longer interested in the YouTube Partner Program, we’d like to hear your feedback. Feel free to reply to this email with any concerns.
The YouTube Team
Dear Satish,
You’re one step away from becoming a YouTube Partner and earning revenues from your videos. Please proceed to Step 3, to enable your account for revenue sharing.
Step 1:Online Sign-Up Form Approval
Step 2:Tutorial Completion and Contract
Step 3: Associate your Google AdSense account
The YouTube Team
Dear Satish,
Congratulations! Now that you’re a YouTube partner, you’re on your way to sharing revenue from your YouTube videos and increasing your audience through syndication.
Here’s some important reference material. Please sign in to your YouTube account in order to access this information.
Getting Started Guide – See how to use YouTube partner features.
Partner Tutorial – Review the Partner Tutorial.
Partner Agreement – Detailed partner agreement.
Community Guidelines – Understand your responsibilities in ensuring a positive experience for our users.
Partner Account Settings – Update your Google AdSense information.
Looking for even more YouTube partner information? Visit our comprehensive Partner Help Center or catch the latest news in our blog.Sincerely,
The YouTube Team
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