Facebook successfully implemented the LIKE button and is generously used by its users to like and share other people’s content.
Hope with this inspiration our old buddy Orkut has implemented “Like” button too.
Before “Like”ing..

After “Like”ing..

You can choose any of these smiles while liking the content and express your emotions towards the content..
Like it or not!
But do you think Orkut users feel comfortable in acknowledging their “like”ing of whatever their friends share publicly ?
These “Like” button is only shown for the content shared PUBLICLY. For “Private” and “Friends Only” content sharing, Like button does not appear.
Orkut Badge
I guess these like buttons are algorithmically linked to the badges. The more people “like” your content, the more chances for you to get some badges.
Now, this is something cool!.
But, after we like anything, smiley being highlighted is not very cool. Facebook has a better version which says ‘ You like this ‘. After all, Orkut is just copying Facebook.