Move from to in 1 click


Ok, well, it may not be just 1 click, but I intended to convey the ease with which you could now transfer your blog to your self-hosted blog i.e.,

The Deal
Today WordPress introduced “Guided Transfers to .org” feature inside your account where your blog would be transferred to your self-hosted server, for a one-time fee of $99


You will need to choose from the list of WordPress recommended hosting service providers!!
So, this brings-in affiliate fee to WordPress and they will be relieving from the load they had on to their webhost partner!

Keep in mind, you will have to keep paying for your hosting company regularly after the move. People who are very new to selfhosting may think that this is a one time payment. But it’s not.

WordPress is taking $99 fee for moving your blog(and installing WordPress on your hosting account, and to install some plugins, themes and some configurations); after the move you have to keep paying your hosting company. After the move, will not host any of your files and all files will be hosted by your hosting company, to which your blog is moved to.

Will traffic be moved to new location ?
If you were not using custom domain(domain mapping) at then to move the traffic you will again need to use their Redirection package, which costs around $99 per month.

Will my Email subscribers be moved to selfhosted blog ?
The straight forward answer is ‘NO”. Because there is no such feature in that is equivalent to’s email subscription. So, at the movement, this is not possible.

Not to forget, they also provide support for 2 weeks. Not a bad deal.

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