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Do You Experience Seasonal Sadness?
‘Tis the Season to be…Melancholy?
Although the holidays are typically considered to be a joyous time period, the autumnal and winter months are not jolly for everyone. The arrival of long nights and cold weather causes many people to begin to feel increasingly sorrowful. When compounded with decreased sunlight, the weather changes can cause many folks to experience what is known as seasonal depression disorder.

What causes this increase in sorrow to occur?
Dr. Norman Rosenthal is a world renowned psychiatrist who specializes in this unfortunate phenomenon. In 1984, Dr. Rosenthal discovered that many people experienced similar depressive symptoms during specific months. By using a treatment called light therapy, the doctor was able to relieve many symptoms that patients experienced.
What is light therapy?
Light therapy can be administered either through ultra-violet exposure or suggested behavior management. The way in which the therapy works is by providing Vitamin D to the body and maintaining the proper amounts of this vital element.
Research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that inhabitants of regions north of the 37th parallel are likely to not receive sufficient amounts of Vitamin D. Cities that are within this area include: San Francisco, Philadelphia, Athens, Beijing and any city between and to the north.
In the wake of Norman Rosenthal’s discovery, many other psychiatrists conducted extensive research concerning this condition; now, medically referred to as seasonal affective disorder, or simply S.A.D. By working with some of the unfortunate victims of this very real medical condition, new treatments have been found to work in conjunction with various light therapy treatments.
The 10 facts you need to know about S.A.D.
Seasonal affective disorder is a reality. Recognizing the causes and symptoms of the ailment can greatly increase treatment and prevention. Below is a list of the 10 most significant facts about S.A.D.
I. Learning the Causes

Fact #1: Vitamin D deficiency is a major contributor to winter sadness.
-Once thought to be the sole cause of what many people call “the winter blues”, decreased sunlight exposure is a major contributor to the disorder.
Fact #2: The quality of the air that you breathe on a constant basis is deteriorated in the winter months.
-When it is cold outside, it isn’t likely that you will open up your windows often. The air within any home is only re-circulated and loses its purity and freshness. Essentially, the air becomes full of contaminants.
Fact #3: Diminished exercise habits lead to poor health.
-The chilly weather can cause many people to reduce their exercise habits. Because of this fact, individuals may begin to feel lethargic and unmotivated.
Fact #4: Poor nutrition can make you more susceptible to health problems.
-It is no secret that improper eating habits lead to poor physical condition. Your mental state is highly influenced by your physical well-being.
II. Recognizing the Symptoms
Fact #5: Sufferers of seasonal sadness often do not realize the onset of the disorder.
-The seasonal transition is, obviously, not instantaneous. As the days become shorter and colder, people afflicted may slowly fall into a depression without even knowing that it is happening.
Fact #6: Many reports from those who have experienced the winter blues indicate increased eating, especially foods that contain carbohydrates.
-As depression sets in, an individual’s eating habits may change. Many case studies show an increase in carbohydrate intake. A diet of this nature generally promotes weight gain and increased depression and anxiety.
Fact #7: Reduced exercise due to the weather and depression symptoms can cause a “snowball” effect.
-The cold can deter people from continuing their typical workout routines. Coupled with poor nutrition, a lack of exercise can dramatically increase someone’s susceptibility to S.A.D. Being out of shape can be a catalyst for further sadness; making the condtion increasingly difficult to treat.
III. Implementing Treatment and Prevention
Fact #8: The best treatment to any ailment is taking preventive action.
-By noticing the emergence of depression symptoms, you can take preventive actions to stunt the development of the disorder. If you begin feeling tired or sore, take an inventory of your daily routine. Ask yourself: “What am I doing differently?”
Fact #9: Investing in an air purifier can substantially improve the air quality in your home.
-Many comparison sites can help you in deciding what the best room air filters are. Some air purifiers produce ozone emissions. Others use HEPA filters to remove harmful irritants from the air. Investigate the best rated HEPA filters to make an informed decision.
Fact #10: Ensuring that sunlight is received daily can reduce or eliminate the symptoms associated with S.A.D.
-Professionals that have researched this seasonal disorder agree that one of the best remedies is exposure to sunlight. It is recommended that for at least 15 minutes each day, individuals should make a point of getting some sun.
Taking preventive action can greatly reduce the prospect of being afflicted by the winter blues. Being aware of the causes, symptoms and available treatments is a great start to a happy and healthy holiday season.
AUTHOR BIO: Matthew Wainscott has a passion for writing. After finishing school, he pursued his career as a creative service provider. Matthew currently provides content to online organizations. He is well keened in promoting Healthy Lifestyle. He is also an expert in air filters particularly in best room air filters and best rated HEPA filters that can be found in the online market.