Twitter HomePage Re-designed

Twitter has finally re-designed its homepage. And it has taken upon the search and hot or trending topics as their main objective of the re-design.
To view the re-design, log out of Twitter and visit Only the front page has been changed and everything else remains the same.

Twitter has finally re-designed its homepage. And it has taken upon the search and hot or trending topics as their main objective of the re-design.

Many people use the Twitter website for knowing the latest trendz and for real time search. And mostly use other Twitter clients for tweeting.

Here is a quote from Twitter blog:

Defining a “tweet” for the uninitiated and explaining how to create an account doesn’t resonate with everyone. “Why would I want to do that?” is a common reaction. However, demonstrating the power of Twitter as a discovery engine for what is happening right now through our Search and Trends often awakens a sense of wonder which inevitably leads to a much more compelling question, “How do I get involved?”

Twitter is smart enough and know that they need to keep on working for the betterment of their site and their service by getting constant feedback from its users.

This posts main purpose is to document the old homepage and the first re-design of Twitter.

To view the re-design, log out of Twitter and visit Only the front page has been changed and everything else remains the same.

One dis-advantage, with this new design could be – It takes one more click to get that log in form! Think how many clicks you may need to do in a year or two 🙂

Did you like the new design? or You think the old one was better?