Facebook Phonebook displays contacts you have imported from your phone, as well as your Facebook friends.
Facebook may use this information to create friend suggestions for you and your friends. If you disable it, the friend suggestion tool may find it difficult to analyze and detect people who are using Facebook and may know you at the same time.

If you would like to remove your mobile contacts from Facebook, you need to disable the feature on your mobile phone(make sure to disable the Facebook synchronization feature on your phone first, if you have ever enabled it) and visit this page.
Facebook Phonebook makes sense, because of the recent integration between Facebook and Skype. Skype may use this data and people may place a call to their friends without manually entering their phone numbers.
Since Facebook rolled out new layout to all its users, people are searching for the link to get to their Facebook Phonebook. Hope Facebook fixes this link shortly.
If you want to know the path for Facebook Phonebook in the new layout: Click on “Account” link, a drop down menu will come, now click on “Edit Friends“. Now on the left hand side you will find the link to your Facebook Phonebook.
Here is the direct link to see your Phonebook on Facebook.