If it’s important, you’ll find a way

So often we encounter with situations wherein we don’t find a way to accomplish things.
We find ourselves in blocks! People name it depending on their work – writers block, creativity block, productivity block etc

My Own Story
I was so much pumpedup with the idea of working online and making huge money to live a life with ultimate financial freedom 🙂

Read some success stories, took notes from their success stories: by then I knew, taking action is the key! Couldn’t wait to get started. I had all these wonderful ideas for blog posts. Wrote all those articles one after the other continuously and then started checking the stats and even replied to those spam comments, which said, I’m not able to subscribe to your blog etc 😛

After some days I had no more ideas to write. (I was new to blogging)
Later on switched topics. As human beings, we’ve interests in wide area of topics. So I had knowledge in other areas which I started sharing on my blog. Next again changed topic!

Later on, with experience learnt that sticking on to particular topic with a domain works out better!


Similar things happen in all the fields: Business, Personal life, Relationships etc

We set some expectations, we do something, we fail, and then we learn, next if we don’t quit- we excel.

Now I can almost write endlessly on the topics of my interest. I can see something special in everything I encounter, that I can share with my readers in a relevant manner.

“Once you master a craft you can recognize it in anything you do.”

Then what is this BLOCK people talk about ?
If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.

Possible Solution
Be solution oriented, and not problem oriented.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein

Find out what you absolutely love doing:

Stop telling stories which support your excuses.
Know that it’s for your goodness that you need to find a way.
If you keep giving excuses you’ll be cheating no one but yourself.
Be conscious of your steps towards your goal: Take the first step first.
Don’t keep postponing things. Have proper strategies and execute your plans.

Small Problem with Yahoo Buzz! and its Quick Solution

After Yahoo Buzz! was officially launched, we were eager to start using it on our blog, and experience the buzz. But from the first day itself we could find that, we could not submit our stories to Yahoo Buzz!

wrong-method-of-submission-yahoo-buzzAnd the same error message is being shown now also. So what is the use of Yahoo Buzz! releasing to public? They could have solved the problem before the official launch.

Anyway, we could luckily and unknowingly found the simple way to submit the story to Yahoo Buzz!
The above error message comes only when you try to submit any story by right clicking on Yahoo Buzz! button and opening it in new window….!

Do not submit any story by right clicking on buzz! button and opening it in new window, it will show you the error message. So just directly click(Mouse – right click) on the “Buzz!” button and it will open in new window and you will be taken to the proper page to submit your story.

Many of you might be knowing this, but still I thought to share it with you, because I saw in many blogs and they were writing that Yahoo Buzz! is not at all working from the day they are open to all. But now you also know that(atleast after reading this post), its not true. Yahoo Buzz! is working fine, but Yahoo! surly need to make some improvements to it.
And as I have observed, both way of submission works fine for those who had got the opportunity to test Yahoo Buzz! before it was released to the general public. And as I just investigated it a bit, I found that the source code that they are using to display the Yahoo Buzz! button is different then that used by the general public!
Hope Yahoo! will soon consider the interests of the general public also, as the population of general public in much much much more than its selective members!
That was just my thoughts flowing while writing this article…..
Please share your experience so far with Yahoo Buzz!. Its difficult to tell about any service so early, but still you can share your early experience with it in the comment section, and lets all learn something out of everybodies experience.
Also (Vote)Buzz! this story to Yahoo Buzz!, if you find it useful.

Permalink contribution for duplicate content

We have heard of people copying our content and lot has been discussed about how to fight against it.
But today we are going to see, how our own blog will be penalized for having the same content accessible from two different URL of the same blog.

For example, if you are showing the full content of your post in all the locations like, Homepage, Archives page, and in single content page(single.php), then there is all possibility of Search Engines thinking that these contents are duplicate. Thus there is a high chances of getting penalized.

Daniel Scocco has a nice video to illustrate this concept. So take a look, before we deal with the permalinks contribution for creating duplicate content.

That was a very informative video.

Today lets take a look at some other ways, from which your wordpress website may get penalized for having duplicate contents.

This applies for those people who are using the permalink structure which includes “Categories” ( /%category%/ ).

Previously I had this http://technotip.org/%category%/%postname%/ permalink structure. I had thought that, having the category name in the URL would help the search engines, as they might consider it as a keyword to that article.

But later I realized that, there is a huge drawback from using such permalink structure. I realized this, when I typed the URL of one of my article wrongly and was still able to access that article.

I had an article at http://technotip.org/SEO/killer-seo-list/ and I had typed the URL wrongly as http://technotip.org/general/killer-seo-list/ , but to my astonishment, the article just showed up. With confusion in my mind, I just had a quick search in Google, to see that the wrong URL http://technotip.org/general/killer-seo-list/ was also indexed. Now I really started worrying, if all other posts had the same problem. So searched again for other posts, but everything was OK with other posts. Then why this problem with http://technotip.org/SEO/killer-seo-list/ ?

I just went to my wordpress Dashboard and saw that I had got a link back to the wrong URL http://technotip.org/general/killer-seo-list/ from some blog and Google had indexed it(as the article was accessible at that wrong URL, so no fault of Google here).

Now I continued the search, and saw some other blogs using the permalink structure similar to my blog. Now I just changed the Category name and tried to access their posts, to my wonder, they were also accessible. And many of those sites did not have the nofollow or noindex in their category section. Thus, those sites are in danger, of getting penalized.

If you are also using the permalink structure
http://yoursitename.com/categories/postname/ then just change the “categories” name to any name you like(it may be anything that exists or not exists in your category list) and hit enter. You will still be able to access the article.

This can be solved
1. By having the permalink structure http://yoursitename.com/postname/ .
2. Redirect it to the original post.

Changing the permalink of your blog.
Just change the file permission of .htaccess and index.php files in the root directory to 666.
And then login to your wordpress account and click on settings then on Permalinks option and now select Custom Structure and put /%postname%/ and finally click on Save Changes button. This will make your permalink structure as http://yoursitename.com/postname/ .

And redirecting the URL to original URL can be done by a number of plugins out there. Just click here to have a look.

Note: As all those articles are placed in one or the other categories, introducing the nofollow or noindex to your categories section will make the article inaccessible to search engines and finally you will end up with no search engine traffic.

I have heard most of the times that, many blogs have good page ranking in the beginning, but after sometime those rankings will drop and will keep on dropping with time. This is because as time goes and your number of posts increases, the number of duplicate contents are also increased. Thus, search engines penalize your page ranking over time.

The final thing to be kept in mind is that, always remember that your goal is to make sure that your posts or articles can be accessed in full from only one location inside your site.

Following these simple and effective tips will surly yield good results in the long run.

What do you think about duplicate contents.Have you also encountered with the same problem? And do you have any other solution for this kind of problems? or have you encountered any similar problems? please share it with us, in the comment section.