10 Ways To Make Your Blog Load Faster and Save Bandwidth

This post is part of Saturday, Sunday Series for Newbie Bloggers. You can contact me, if you have any questions.

Q. I have been tweaking my blog to make it load faster, but nothing seems to be helping. And eventhough I don’t have heavy traffic to my blog, often times it goes down 🙁 Can you please suggest me something to over come my problem? Am I missing something or is it normal with all blogs. And I am hosting my blog with basic hosting package, so is that the problem?

To make blog load faster
1. Remove any extra widgets you are using on your blog.- Twitter updates, Facebook fan widget etc
2. If you are running banner ads, make sure you host all the images on your domain.
3. Make less http requests from any webpage.
Ex: Instead of using “http://yourdomainname.com/images/123.jpg” you can use “/images/123.jpg” in the img tag.
4. Use less images. Having one or two images for a article helps, anything more will really slow down the site. Use multiple images only if highly necessary.
5. Move all the CSS and JavaScript codes to an external file. And make sure to optimize them – remove extra spaces, delete the useless codes and make the scripts small and smart(good coding).
6. If you have any badges and banners which does not provide any value to your visitors, then remove it mercilessly.
7. Optimize the images that you are using on your blog.
8. Use Gzip compression. Add the following code to your .htaccess file if your web host have content compression (gzip compression) turned off. You can test it using http compression tool.

# Turn GZip compression on (as per http://tr.im/fnn6)
<Location />
# Insert filter
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
# Netscape 4.x has some problems...
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
# Netscape 4.06-4.08 have some more problems
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
# MSIE masquerades as Netscape, but it is fine
# BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
# NOTE: Due to a bug in mod_setenvif up to Apache 2.0.48
# the above regex won't work. You can use the following
# workaround to get the desired effect:
BrowserMatch \bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
# Don't compress images
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \
\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
# Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary

9. Do not make use of lot of javascript codes to track your visitors. Try to stick only to the necessary things. And do not forget to test your sites performance using Webmasters tool.
Goto Webmasters Tool -> Labs -> Site performance.
Here you can see the performance over view graph and lot more information like: Load time of certain pages from your blog, You can install a 1.5MB add-on to evaluate the performance of your pages and get suggestions on how to improve them, it also reports – what is consuming more time to load and what you can do to improve the performance etc.
10. Above all the speed of the servers where you are hosting your blog is very important – without which any tweaking will go in vain.

Bonus tips:
1. Use only the necessory plugins and remove the rest.
2. Do not use Widgets. Use handcoding and put the things into the WordPress theme directly – reducing the number of calls.

Have a backup of your blog, and if you are comfortable: Use DataBase cleanup plugin, Database optimizer plugin, delete the extra post revisions, use static links – this helps very little, if you already have Gzip compression enabled or Super cache plugin enabled.

Final Thoughts from Matt Cutts:

Invest in a good hosting company. See to that you are paying atleast 5 to 6 $ per month for your basic hosting package. If you go far a cheaper web hosting, then the problems are mostly obvious. I suggest going with Doreo host, Blue host, Host Gator, MediaTemple etc. And a basic package is all needed in the initial days.

If you are hosting at a decent hosting company, and still facing this problem, then you must consider evaluating your blogs log files. It contains information about what is consuming the bandwidth. You can mail your hosting company support team and can ask them to check it for you and to report the possible problem. In most cases it would be a plugin problem or a faulty code introduced into the CMS. Or sometimes if you are using some automated scripts to handle some tasks, all these could create some problem, if there are some bugs.

A good hosting company should be able to help you with this – if not, you know, its time to move on. And there are plenty of good web hosts to opt.

Happy Blogging!

Related Read: 20 Tips To Optimize Your HomePage

Hibernate – small feature, big use

This is a very common feature used by many people(even if you are not a geek). But I would still like to write about it, because this is a very small and potentially great feature available in almost all the Operating Systems now a days.

If you yet don’t know about this option, then we would be very happy to let you know about this…..

This option would save the time used to boot your computer, by resuming your works directly from the point where you left.

When your computer hibernates, it stores whatever it has in memory on your hard disk and then shuts down. When your computer comes out of hibernation, it returns to its previous state.

While shutting down your computer, select the option Hibernate, instead of selecting Shutdown. And that’s it, you are done.

Here are some screen shots..

Windows XP :-


If hibernate option is missing means, here is a work around to get it in place.

Right click on your desktop, select properties. And then click on the Screen saver tab, now follow the below screen shot..


Now after you Enable hibernation option, click on the OK button. This should get you the option working.

UBUNTU screen shot below :-


Hibernate option is useful in following cases :-

1. When there is power failure and the UPS backup is dying and you know that, the power will be back shortly. In this case, it will be frustrating to shutdown and again boot the computer, when power is back. So in such case use Hibernate option, to consume your time and mood.

2. It was reported in some studies that, IT and other professionals leave the computers as it is, without shutting it down(in office), just because they need to start it up again tomorrow morning. Now, this will simply waste lot of money(remember, its a national waste). So please use this Hibernate option in office, if you can’t shut it down.

3. While going for a nap. While going out for coffee etc.

4. This option is very helpful for those who have lot of peripherals connected to their computer. Like printer, bluetooth etc, which require you to install separate driver software. This will make your computer to boot slowly. In such case you can make use of this Hibernate option. And you can shut down your computer at the end of the day.

5. And if you are using different IM, and download manager, spywares, malwares, bla..bla..bla, then your computer needs some more time, after booting, to start working in its normal way. So in such case also you can make use of Hibernate option, and shutdown only at the end of the day.

Now this option is so good, then why should we ever shutdown our computer ? Lets all consume our time and do someother useful work in that time! Its right to get that kind of thoughts, but the reality is, your computer becomes slower, if you use this option all the time. Its advisable to shutdown your computers atleast once in a day, inorder to maintain its health.

But actually, personal computers are built to handle such things. And I am almost confirm that, there will be no problem to RAM, as it will unload all its content as usual, when you use the hibernate option. As I said earlier, it will unload all its content into hard disk and then load it back when we turn on the computer again. So there will be almost no effect on RAM. But still, as we know technology is not 100% perfect, its just the long, unending journey towards perfection. So I think Permanent use of Hibernate option may cause in the failure of some hardware parts(over time) and it may also corrupt the Operating System over time. I am talking about the personal computers and not the Super computers(which will be having high configuration and will not have any effect even after using hibernate option over years).

I have put only windows and Ubantu Hibernate screen shot here. If you use some other Operating System(OS), then please send the screen shots to me(with hibernate option) and you would be helping lot of people out there, reading this post.

Also share your thoughts about this article in the comment section.