We have seen many cases where people try to hack and crack some popular sites and damage the reputation of it.It has been true in case of MyBloglog too.
But lets concentrate on the things by which we can get advantage of.
MyBlogLog is owned by Yahoo Inc.
Now I will show you how to track the recent 127 visitors(Who are also members of MyBlogLog).
Login to your MyBlogLog account using your yahoo username and password.
Click on add a website/blog link.Fill the small form and get your blog listed under your
My Sites and Services option.Now click on the widgets link below the website/blog listed.
It will look like the one shown in below image…
Your code will also look similar, except the ID number i.e., 200711051214522 in above case.
Just look for your code and copy the ID number(Just the number) and past it in one notepad or any other text editors.
Now look at the below code…
<script type="text/javascript"
Now replace the ID number(i.e., 200711051214522 ) from your ID number.
That’s it….now copy and past the entire code wherever you want to show your recent 127 visitors who are also members of MyBlogLog.
Optional: In the above code we have made the color of widget texts Powered by MyBlogLog into white, you can change it to the color of your blogs background.
One more use of MyBlogLog is, we can encourage people to comment on our blog.
i.e., we can get the logo of members who are currently viewing your blog(if he/she is logged into their MyBlogLog account).
Here goes the code…
<img src="http://ipub.mybloglog.com/i/v2005051600562336_req.jpg"
alt="" width="48" height="180" />
Just copy and past the above code(without any modification), anywhere in your blog to get the profile pic.
Below is one such use, to ask the visitors to share their opinion/knowledge by commenting about the article.(make sure you are logged into MyBlogLog to see the effect in this page).

Please share your opinion/knowledge by commenting about this article..