This is a guest post by Roger Elmore. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
Among good digital cameras, Nikon’s digital SLR D3000 is a great entry-level piece that is a popular upgrade option for those who want more than a cheap point-and-shoot can offer. So far the peskiest thing about it is that you don’t get live view. However, that’s not to say the D3000 doesn’t have some cool features. Here we will explore some of the features that make the D3000 one of the most versatile digital cameras available to those who are newly expanding their skills in photography.

1. Guide mode: Most individuals who purchase the D3000 are doing so to begin dabbling in high-end digital photography, and their primary intention is to take casual, high-quality photos. The great thing about the D3000 is that you can adjust the mode dial at the top of the camera to “Guide.” This mode is a great help to folks who aren’t sure what camera setting they need to use to get the results they’re wanting. Guide mode helps beginners learn how to use the more advanced features of the D3000, such as freezing motion and softening backgrounds.
2. 3-inch LCD screen: The D3000 features a 3-inch LCD screen monitor which helps you get a better visualization of the image you’re trying to capture. Compare this to Nikon’s older models, such as the D60, which features screens at 2.5 inches, or to a point-and-shoot, which often have very grainy screens. You can also adjust the brightness of your screen, which is handy.
3. 11-point auto-focus system: The cool thing about this feature on the D3000 is the autofocus (AF) system, which helps you capture fast-moving images, provided you’re using a lens that is compatible with the system. There are also 4 AF modes: one for still objects, one for moving objects, one that lets the camera decide, and one for 3-D tracking.
4. 10.2 megapixels: The D3000 is a major step up from a basic point-and-shoot because of how many megapixels (MP) it offers. While basic digital cameras only allow you 5 or 6 MP, the D3000 allows you a whopping 10.2 MP. While this many megapixels won’t really matter if you only plan to make small 4×6 prints, it matters a great deal if you want to blow up your images and have large prints made. 10.2 MP will allow the quality of your prints to remain consistent even if you blow up a print as large as 20×30 inches.
5. Compact size: The D3000 will definitely not weigh you down the camera body is both lightweight and compact, fitting easily and comfortably into your hand. This is a great feature for beginners who often get intimidated by chunky, complicated equipment.
6. In-camera photo editing: This feature will save you a little time if you like to edit and print your images at home. You can get the basic photo editing done beforehand using the D3000, which allows you to get rid of red eye, trim photos and use a soft filter. The cool thing is you won’t lose your original photo if you don’t want to the camera will save the edited copy of your photo separately. It’s not wow-your-socks-off amazing, but it’s definitely helpful.
7. Multiple Modes: I already elaborated on the guide mode, but the mode dial also has lots of other modes that help you take low-light shots, sports action photos, close-ups, portraits and landscape photos.
8. Fast, continuous shoot: The D3000 can capture 3 frames per second. This is useful if you find yourself about to capture an emerging moment that can be lost in a matter of seconds.
9. Active D-Lighting: The D3000 takes a teensy bit of time before the shot “takes” to improve contrasts in a picture if you use Active D-Lighting. This helps get rid of pesky shadows and overwhelming glares and gives images a more balanced look. You can turn it off if you don’t like it, because sometimes this feature messes up what you’re trying to do with photos.
10. Leaving in “noise”: The D3000 doesn’t get rid of “noise” random color speckles at higher sensitivities, e.g., long exposures, leaving the images free to keep fine detail instead of automatically reducing them. You can do a lot of cool long exposure shots for a low-end camera because the camera isn’t constantly correcting what you’re trying to do.
This guest post is contributed by Roger Elmore.