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The iPad 2 is a great improvement over the original iPad in many ways, yet the additional cost of integrated 3G connectivity is not a premium many want to pay – especially when they are already paying for that same service on their smartphones. Luckily, there are workarounds and it is possible to tether your iPad 2 to your 3G (or 4G) capable phone. Keep reading to find out how.
Depending on your phone’s operating system, you will have to use a different workaround. Listed below are the tested and working methods for various phone operating systems. If your phone’s OS is not listed, it may not (yet) be possible for you to tether to your iPad.

Nokia N Series: If you own an N series phone from Nokia running on the Symbian platform, you will need to download the Joiku Hotspot application (found at: Once downloaded and installed on your phone, simply launch the application and follow the on-screen instructions to create a wireless hot spot. From here, you simply connect to it with your iPad as you would any other mobile wifi hotspot and you are free to roam the internet!
Android OS: For any Android based phone such as the HTC Hero, you will need to download the Android WiFi Tether application (found at: Download and install the application to your phone (note: your phone needs to be rooted in order for this method to work). Launch the application and follow the on-screen instructions to setup either a mobile hotspot or tether via bluetooth to your iPad. Again, connecting to the hotspot is the same as connecting to any wireless network. Note: For newer Android based phones such as the Evo 4G there is no need to download any 3rd party applications as the wireless hotspot feature comes pre-installed on the device.
Windows Mobile: For devices using the Windows Mobile platform, you will need to download the WMWifiRouter application (found at: Download and install the application on your device and launch it once installed. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a portable hotspot from your device and connect to it with your iPad as you would any other wireless network.
iPhone: For iPhone owners, you will need to download the MyWi app (found at: (Note: This requires a jail-broken iPhone in order to install and will not work on a stock device). Once downloaded and installed on your iPhone, launch the app and follow the on-screen instructions to create a portable hotspot from your iPhone. This app will also allow you to tether through bluetooth or USB. Once set up, simply connect to the wifi network as you would any other wireless network on your iPad.
With these options, it is possible for almost anyone with a 3G or 4G capable smartphone to tether their iPad 2 and have internet connectivity almost anywhere they go. Please be aware that tethering through your device will incur any data charges stipulated by your carrier according to your contract. Please check with your carrier to clarify any potential charges that may be imposed by the use of tethering before doing so.
image credit: josedelcorral
This post was contributed by Kelly Austin from Higher Salary. Visit her site for information on the average game designer salary and information about other popular careers.
Any solutions for a Standard 3G mobile phone (not android, windows or iphone)?