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Reducing waste in your office is always a great idea. It not only helps reduce overhead, but it can also help the environment as well. Here are ten great tips to use to reduce waste in your office.

1. Invest in More Efficient Printers
One idea you should consider is investing in printers that have the ability to print on both sides of a piece of paper. Books, magazines, newspapers, and other printed documents have always had text on both sides of a single page. It only makes sense for your office documents to have two-sided pages as well. It will also allow you cut down the amount of pages you print by nearly one half.
2. Use Recycled Paper
Another way to help the environment in your office is to use recycled paper. You may be worried about the quality of recycled paper. However, there is indeed recycled printer paper that is nearly identical to normal printer paper. You should also never settle for paper that is composed of less than thirty percent recycled pulp.
3. Have Policies Geared Towards Cyber-Communication
Another tactic your office could use is to rely more heavily on communication using office networks and cyberspace instead of paper. For example, you could switch from printed memos to only using e-mail to distribute memos. Communications with clients and communications between employees in different departments can also be performed by either e-mail or instant messaging programs. This is certain to greatly eliminate your reliance on paper.
4. Implement Videoconferencing
Travel expenses can become one of the biggest expenditures a company has to make every year. All the business traveling that occurs every day also leaves behind a rather decent sized carbon footprint that harms the environment. One solution is to implement videoconferencing. This way you can have the benefit of face to face communication while also cutting down on overhead and your company’s impact on the environment.
5. Unplug Electronics When They Are Not Being Used
Many people do not realise this, but many kinds of electronics such as computers and televisions use power even when they are switched off. To help your office conserve energy, you should unplug office computers whenever they are not in use. Simply unplugging all computers after workers have left for the day is sure to save your company plenty on electricity costs.
6. Program Your Office’s Thermostat Properly
Another way many offices waste energy is through how they use heating and air-conditioning. You should make sure your office’s thermostat is programmed to only heat and cool your office when you really need it. Wasting energy to heat or cool your office when no one is actually working inside the building is never a good idea.
7. Provide Your Employees with Eating Utensils
Disposable plates, cups, and silverware are one large source of waste in the break rooms of many offices. Instead, you should consider providing your employees with reusable dishes, cups, and silverware. This will require your employees to wash off their plates and eating utensils when they’re done. However, it will certainly cut down on how much garbage your break room produces.
8. Use Low-Flow Water Fixtures
You should consider switching all faucets and toilets in your office to low-flow alternatives. They will use far less water. Low flow water fixtures also require less heat. This will allow you to save plenty of money on energy costs since your office’s water heater will not be used as much.
9. Use Natural Lighting
One way to save on electricity costs is to use natural lighting. Install more windows and skylights around your office. This will greatly decrease your office’s dependence on artificial light sources that can consume lots of power. It can also prevent your employees from feeling like they are trapped indoors all day during work hours.
10. Start an Office Carpool
One thing that many offices do to cut down on their carbon footprint and help save on transportation costs is to run an office carpool. Many employees will be happy to share a commute to save on gas money. It is also a great way to allow employees to get to know each other. This can translate to better synergy and teamwork on different projects those employees may work on together.
James works as a full-time writer and editor for Cartridge Save, a store that stocks a huge range of printer cartridges and PhotoSmart ink cartridges.