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Why need traffic?
Every blogger wants increased traffic to their blog. Traffic allows for people to read the blogger’s viewpoint, give their opinions and feedback through their comments and allow an indepth discussion on the topic at hand. In order for the blogger’s reading community to grow, it is very important to generate traffic to make these people aware of the blog first. Professionally designing a blog can be very appealing for the reader’s but it will not spread awareness of the blog’s existence itself. There are several familiar and unfamiliar ways of increasing blog traffic.

Increasing traffic
There are many ways of directing traffic towards your site.
1. Going through and commenting on blogs other than your own always helps. Using plugins such as Commentluv, a useful comment can include a link referring the readers to the blogger’s site or blog posts, increasing traffic.
2. Joining online communities such as forums also helps alot. Adding the link to your site or blog to your signature can be a good way of advertising it and can direct traffic. Becoming a helpful commenter, more people might be interested in clicking your link to keep track of your work.
3. It is also very important to be steady and patient as traffic takes time to flow in.
4. Updating a blog frequently can also be an attractive factor as the readers will know that the blogger is committed, efficient and active. The reader’s will always look on and wait for blog entries, especially if the blogger has an organized schedule. Being inefficient can cause the readers to lose interest.
5. Communicating to the people who comment on your blog is always useful as it makes a helpful bond between the blogger and the commenter. This freindly relationship will encourage the commenters to keep visiting the blog continuously. The more useful or helpful you are to the commenters, the more they will refer your blog to others, increasing traffic.
Nowadays, social media is growing more and more popular and there are many ways of generating traffic through social media.
Generating traffic through Social Media
1. Alot of traffic can be acquired from social media websites. They are one of the more recommended places to post articles. The community on these websites are usually very large and therefore they allow a very fast generation of traffic in less time. There are popular social media websites then there are other that base themselves around particular topics. It’s useful to broadcast awareness to both these kinds of sites for maximum recognition and traffic.
2. If you are a video-blogger or sometimes post videos on your blogs then it is important to be creative, organized and appealing to more people than just the readers. It is important to pay attention to presentation as video-blogging is very different from regular text-based blogging. Sites such as YouTube are most popular for uploading videos. Giving users feedback via comments can also attract new viewers.
3. There are many applications and programs that allow you to access multiple social networking sites at the same time. This will save alot of time and can prove to be very convenient for an avid blogger. These applications are easily available and are mostly free so finding, downloading and installing them shouldn’t be trouble.
4. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites of today and it can be used to generate traffic aswell. Facebook allows for the creation of fanpages, these can prove useful when trying to promote your blog. Customizing them with links to your blogs and regular updates can keep readers interested and attract new ones at the same time.
5. Twitter is another social networking site that can be used to keep people updated on your activities frequently. Make intelligent, smart and meaningful tweets. Post links to your blog but don’t overdo it as followers might lose interest due to excessive referrals.
6. If your blog is a very popular one, generating lots of traffic and revenue then advertising your blog on such social media sites can prove to be very useful when trying to appeal to a mass audience.
This is how one can generate traffic to their blog using many different methods including the use of social media sites.
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