This is a guest post by Andy Havard. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guest post guidelines.
Video blogging is one of the most popular uses of online video on the web right now. So how do you make your video blog stand out from the crowd? This article outlines the 7 essential tips for putting your video blog ahead of the competition:

1. Understand What A Video Blog Is
A video blog (or “Vlog”) is just a video representation of your everyday blog. Users read particular blogs because they either enjoy the personality behind the content, or they’re interested in the topic being discussed or because they can relate to article. Your video blog should do exactly the same.
2. Be Engaging & Accessible
Much like in the blogosphere, viewers don’t want to watch video content they can’t connect with. Here are a few pointers to establish real engagement with your audience; ask questions that users can respond to, discuss issues and subjects that tie in with your topic niche, and always try to address your audience in a way a friendly and familiar way.
3. Be Useful & Up To Date
When exciting news hits the web, Internet users will be undoubtedly searching for it. If your vlog is constantly up to date with topical news in your niche you’ll stand a better chance of getting users to check out your video blog.
4. Be Personal & Human
Blogs by nature convey personality through the uses of playful text and images, and your vlog should do the same. The benefit of video blogs is that they allow your audience to see you, hear you and relate to how your body language and on-screen actions. By letting your audience see you in this way will give your vlog an essential personal feel to it. Always be yourself, trying to be something you’re not will be surprisingly obvious to viewers and they won’t like you for it.
5. Check Out Other Vlogs
No one becomes a master of video blogging overnight. It takes time, practice and dedication to become comfortable and confident on camera. By watching other vlogs and seeing how other users have changed from their early episodes, you’ll pick up some handy tips and gain confidence in your early performances. Learning from other users will help you be able to make sure your vlog tick all of the right boxes.
6. Always Aim To Inform, Educate & Entertain
There are 3 essential golden rules when it comes to creating video content these are to inform, educate and entertain your audience. If you are able to hit these 3 areas on the head you’ll be well on your way to creating a great video production. It’s quite a task to tick all 3 boxes, but by hitting at least one or two each time you create a video will really help to benefit your video blog’s.
7. Give It All You’ve Got
The more time and effort you can put into each and every video blog the better you can make them. Spending time script writing, planning your shot, filming your vlog, editing it and producing it will really put your video blog ahead of the pack. You’d be surprised how many vlogs are slap-dash affairs and their creators wonder why they don’t get viewed or shared. Always give it everything you’ve got no matter if it’s your first vlog or your hundredth.
Just like in the blogging world there’s tough competition to battle out there, but by taking on board these pointers your video blog will stand a much greater chance of succeeding online.
Andy Havard is a Marketing Executive at Skeleton Productions, a UK based Internet video production company.