I was using Yahoomail as usual, and suddenly something popped up with a water bubble bursting sound. I could see a blue widget above my email folders. I never did anything to get this. No settings, no modifications, no plugins. I was just checking my mail and the blue widget appeared and after a refresh it disappeared. I used the back button in my FireFox browser and took the screen shots of the chat & sms widget.
It had already imported all the contacts and mobile numbers from my Yahoo! messenger.
It looks cool, loads fast. Here are some screen shots:
It appeared in the Classic Yahoomail and not in the upgraded version of YahooMail. Upgraded version of Yahoomail already has a separate portion for chatting. But this is something new and better, as we need not move from the inbox to start chatting(some what similar to that in Gmail.)
Click above image to see in full screen Tab for multiple user chat
Did you notice this widget in your Yahoo mail? Hope this is in the initial state of testing. And Yahoo! will rollout this feature to all its users some time in the future.
Got the Chat and SMS widget back in my Yahoo Mail again. Its not disappearing now. Its nice to chat and adds more fun to its already famous Mail
We just tried to check our adsense account. But to our surprise, we saw the adsense homepage being changed. But wait…that’s not the reason for our surprise, as we already knew that homepage is going to change shortly. The surprise is, we were not able to log into our adsense account!
Hmm..we immediately visited our blog, and the ads were still delivered on our blog. Meaning, we are not banned from adsense for any anonymous reasons!
So we think its the problem from their end.
The new homepage looks clean. And there is a link called “solutions for publishers!“, which has the link to all the products from Google which are useful for publishers.
The problem is: When we click on the “Already using AdSense? Sign in »” link it takes us to the log in screen. Which basically increases the number of clicks!
And when we type our Gmail ID and password(associated with adsense), it takes us to “Manage Account“. Where it shows all the Google services we are presently signedup with. Now if you click on the adsense link, it will again take you to the new Adsense homepage and again to the same login screen, when you click on “Already using AdSense? Sign in »” !
So we are still not able to log into our adsense account and there are no official words yet about these changes on adsense blog.
I am sure that adsense team will already be working hard to fix the problem. Just waiting for their final words on their blog.
Did you notice the new adsense homepage? Do you think its better than the old one. We know that it doesn’t make much difference for people using adsense from many years, but it will surly make a huge difference for the first time visitor.
And the important thing…Are you able to log into your adsense account? Did you encounter any problem while logging in?
” The issue is confirmed. Many people are facing the same problem. Interestingly enough, if you try to log into the same account using some other computer or with other browser in the same computer, there is chances that you see the same old login screen and you can normally log into your adsense account. Hope Adsense team is testing something new and will roll out things to everyone soon or if the login problem persists, adsense team may roll back this new change and may show the usual login screen. Lets hope for the best 🙂 “
“If you have any urgency in checking your adsense earnings and impressions then go ahead and log into your analytics account, if you have integrated it with your adsense account, to get all those details. Just a temporary work around 🙂 “. But remember Analytics will not show you real time updates!
We have heard a lot about both Online as well as offline marketing.
Marketing strategies have been changing from the day it was invented. Its good to see many new and sophisticated techniques coming every now and then and solving many problems..and creating some!
First thing first..
What is Marketing ?
Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Ethical / Unethical Marketing ?
With increase in the population and user demands, many businesses started appearing and the competition obviously increased among businesses. It increased so much that its now the matter of survival to most companies. So the only way left on their part is aggressive marketing strategies, which brings them large number of conversions. An example:-
We see in daily commercials showing, women with black colour skin complexion being harassed and the white women being respected, and the next thing is they show their cosmetics product and tell us to use it and to turn white! and to get the respect from the society. These kind of ads work magically and bring about many conversions.
On the other hand if they start showing ads with not so good looking women in the ad, people watching it, will take it easy and are less likely to purchase the product!
I don’t really have to tell you which ads would be more desirable to marketers.
But the question is..Do you think such ads are an ethical marketing?
Playing with the human emotions? Yes…No.
Answer varies from person to person, depending on their perspective.
Some people may say that this kind of marketing is not at all wrong, because we all see it almost daily and are used to it!. We are so used to it that we think that its not a big issue.
While some people say that this kind of marketing is completely unethical, as it plays with the emotions of people for meeting marketers selfish goals. There are many others who defend that this is a ethical marketing and the best way to get a conversion.
Its interesting to hear all your ideas and thoughts. So please please please share your thoughts in the comment section of this article.
Target Audience(Target marketing):-
Marketers target group of people who are more likely to purchase their products, hence making them more profits.
Some examples:- 1. Ads showing more imaginary adventures, cartoon etc may target children. 2. Quick Money making ads may attract more of business people. 3. Cosmetics ads for girls. 4. Body building ads for men. 5. Speaker systems for music lovers. etc.
As all these production industries have a lot of competition, they need to reduce the price inorder to sustain in the growing competition.
Desperate buyers:-
There are products like medicine which will be purchased by people as they are in a situation where they can’t give more importance to money(when compared to their health). They are in a position where purchasing the medicine becomes crucial. In these kind of situations marketers may take advantage of the situation of people and may try to mint more money. Making use of the desperate situation will get them more conversion and hence more money. But again the question arises in our mind..Whether its Ethical or unethical marketing ?
Obviously, I’m not speaking about all emotional marketing. Most of the marketing involves interaction with peoples emotions, but I am talking about the one’s which is too low in its purpose and aims only at the sale of their product(conversion).
Impatient Aspirers
Impatient Aspirers are a group of target customers who have some what same taste and status. Watch the funny video below. Please do not miss watching the video. Its funny as well as insightful, and worth thousand words.
Marketing and Blogging:-
There are many ways of monetizing a blog. One way is to write an ebook and sell it on your blog. This is a popular and proved to be efficient way of making money online. Now to get most money out of the ebook, you need to sell as many copies of ebook as possible. And to do so, you need to Market it properly(if you do not have an already well established blog).
Landing page should be more engaging and trust worthy. When someone lands on your landing page and reads about your product details, you need to arouse their interest first. You might not know every single person who reads your site, but that’s fine. Because you do know what they are generally familiar with. Use those references to bridge the gap and connect. Attention getting strategies and tactics can be helpful if the product, service or information lives up to the promise.
Rather than trying to sell an idea to the masses, you sell something desirable to people who already want and have a need for it. It’s much easier to fulfill a need than to create one.
So there are many many marketing strategies and as far as I know many people are trying and succeeding with newer marketing strategies each day. So, as a marketer we need to be innovative, creative and responsible. As a customer we need to be more cautious and clear about what we want and what we do not want.
Word of Mouth Marketing:-
Over years we have seen many MLM’s(Multi-Level Marketing) or Network Marketing coming, growing, glowing and going! What makes people join MLM’s ?
Its the money. The easy way to start earning money, by referring other people to join under you.
So, from where do MLM companies get the money from?
Most MLM companies sell products. By purchasing which people become their members. These MLM companies remove the middle man between the product and the customers, hence saving a lot of money.
Another big saving comes from the marketing effort. There is no need to get a VIP or a celebrity to endorse the products. So a lot of money is again saved. These MLM companies then distribute the money saved, to all its members, by following some of their rules/policies. So, how do these MLM companies do the marketing ?
Its done by the members of MLM. These members do the marketing on behalf of MLM company through WORD OF MOUTH, these products will be sold and new members keep joining(thus products are continuously sold), everybody(most of them) make good income.MLM is just an apt example for the WORD OF MOUTH marketing.
Here is a list of WORD OF MOUTH marketing, that you can choose, test and implement on your blogs, to increase the traffic and conversion rate significantly.
Word of mouth marketing:
* Buzz Marketing: Using high-profile entertainment or news to get people to talk about your brand.
* Viral Marketing: Creating entertaining or informative messages that are designed to be passed along in an exponential fashion, often electronically or by email.
* Community Marketing: Forming or supporting niche communities that are likely to share interests about the brand (such as user groups, fan clubs, and discussion forums); providing tools, content, and information to support those communities.
* Grassroots Marketing: Organizing and motivating volunteers to engage in personal or local outreach.
* Evangelist Marketing: Cultivating evangelists, advocates, or volunteers who are encouraged to take a leadership role in actively spreading the word on your behalf.
* Product Seeding: Placing the right product into the right hands at the right time, providing information or samples to influential individuals.
* Influence Marketing: Identifying key communities and opinion leaders who are likely to talk about products and have the ability to influence the opinions of others.
* Cause Marketing: Supporting social causes to earn respect and support from people who feel strongly about the cause.
* Conversation Creation: Interesting or fun advertising, emails, catch phrases, entertainment, or promotions designed to start word of mouth activity.
* Brand Blogging: Creating blogs and participating in the blogosphere, in the spirit of open, transparent communications; sharing information of value that the blog community may talk about.
* Referral Programs: Creating tools that enable satisfied customers to refer their friends, to your product or service.
More on Marketing Strategies(mainly to increase your blog traffic) coming soon..so please subscribe to our free email/rss updates and stay tuned.
Please do not forget to share your thoughts about current marketing trendz. What Marketing strategies you are following? What strategies worked and which did not work for you? Whats Ethical and Unethical about it? Please share your opinions in the comment section below and involve yourself in the conversation going on here.
Some time ago I had written a review about a book by name “Blog Blazer“. Its a book where 40 popular Bloggers share their Secrets, to Creating a High-Traffic, and High-Profit Blog!
Update:Winner announced. Congrats to @jagan123 for winning the book. Below this article we have added a small video which we shot during the lucky draw, to make the process more transparent.
Thanks for all the participants. We are coming up with another contest soon, and ofcourse with more number of prizes this time.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who seriously want to know and learn from people who have already learnt.
A famous English proverb states — “A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a fool by his own”. The book includes the interviews of most famous guys like: Aaron Wall Seth Godin Stephane Grenier(Author of the book.) Yaro Starak etc!
You can read a short review about the book for more details.
I had an extra book in the shelf, so thought to arrange a giveaway on my blog and give it to one of our readers.
So, without wasting much of the time. Here are the quick rules for entering the giveaway: 1. Follow me @technotip 2. Tweet about this contest. Use below standard format.
RT:Joined “Blog Blazer” Book Giveaway @ Technotip.ORG.Want to participate? Follow @technotip & visit http://tinyurl.com/bc8pes
3. Stumble any one of the article from our blog. [Optional].
Condition/rule number 3 is optional and will not affect your chances of winning. But please do not stumble this giveaway post.
Contest will end on March 30th and I will announce the winner and dispatch the book on 31st of March. If I announce the winner on 1st of April, people may think that I am trying to make fool out of them! So I will make it a day early and will announce it on 30th of March.
Now you may be thinking that its a long duration or long wait for the announcement of the winner. Yes I do agree with you. But please bare it this time. And the book is worth waiting 🙂
One of the main reason(or concern) to delay the announcement of the winner is, I need to make sure that there are enough people participating. I have seen many book giveaway which go so unnoticed and so boring, because there are no much people participating in it. I am not sure about the reason though.
Please encourage the book giveaway by spreading the word. A simple tweet will not take much of your time.
Blog Blazer Book had been out of stock many times and was a best seller book in amazon. So I think giving this book, will really motivate people to participate.
To encourage more and more people to participate, we have made the entry to the giveaway so simple. Just a tweet will make you qualify for the lucky draw. Remember, stumbling the article is an optional thing. To make it more easier, you just need to tweet about the contest and need not even comment here. But comments are always welcomed. I will track each and every tweet(in the above mentioned format) in twitter and will hunt for the lucky winner 🙂 As usual the lucky draw will be done using the online service Random.org.
The book will be shipped by myself to the lucky winner, to his regular mailing address. It may take 4 to 5 weeks to reach you(depending on your geographical location), from the day I dispatch it.
Please help me in the good cause of encouraging the book giveaway..
Coming straight to the point, here are some simple steps to reset HTC 3452 and 3450 phones.
Procedure: 1. Click on “Start” menu, in the Today screen. 2. Click on Settings. 3. Now you can see 3 tabs on the screen -> “Personal“, “System“, “Connections“. 4. Click on “System” tab. 5. Here you can see many icons like About, Backlight,Clock&Alarms,External GPS, Clear Storage etc. 6. Click on “Clear Storage” icon. 7. Now it will ask for your confirmation. Here is the exact message that is showing on my device right now:
Clear Storage:
Clear storage will make all of your data lost, and reset all settings to manufacturer default.
Do you want to proceed?
Please enter the following word “1234” and press YES button.
8. If you are sure and want to reset the settings, go ahead and enter 1234 and the phone will reset and restart by itself. 9. When the phone restarts, it will ask for the time zone, time, date etc. HTC Touch 3452 and 3450
Another simple way to reset the phone is..
There is a small reset button inside a small hole(as shown in the above figure, with pink circle), beside the charger point. Use your stylus and press it gently, to soft-reset your device. Device will restart and ask for time zone, time, date etc. And the phone will be restored to manufacturer default settings.
After each reset it will automatically customize the device, so there is really no need to worry about the settings after restoring the mobile. Its a user friendly phone.
All the data would be lost..so be careful.
If you know some more tips, please feel free to share it will us in the comment section below.