If you are someone who loves YouTube, you can be eligible to get additional features, by simply verifying your YouTube account.
Phone Verification
With this simple phone verification you’ll be eligible to upload videos longer than 15 min!
What’s New?
A verified account with good standing will get more additional features than the normal user accounts. Also new features will be rolled out quickly to these verified accounts. If you’re a YouTube partner, make sure to get verified. This will also help to make your account secure with your phone number being associated with it.

How To Verify?
Log into your YouTube account.
Goto Channel Settings.
Features -> Account Status
There is a Verify button. Click on it to provide with your phone number.
A verification code will be sent to your phone for the purpose of verification.
You can also get a voice call, if your provider does not support SMS facility or block Google SMS’es or SMS from short codes.
To enable additional features on your account, we require you to verify that your account is currently under your control by providing us your phone number. Please enter your phone number, and we’ll either call you or send you a text message containing a verification code from Google.
Note: If you were previously not able to apply for Content ID Appeals (Ability to appeal rejected Content ID disputes), you could finally do it, after your account verification.