Twitter has created @earlybird account to tweet about valuable offers from their partner advertisers. This is good for twitter as it can support its bandwidth costs and save us from seeing #failWhales.

Twitter @earlybird Exclusive Offers are special time-bound deals, sneak-peeks, and events that are promoted by the official Twitter @earlybird account. We partner with select advertisers and retweet offers that they have crafted only for the Twitter community. Our advertising partners determine the terms of the offer, including availability, amount, and price. As with other forms of advertising from Twitter, we are focused on bringing value to our users and will keep your interests in mind as we develop this program.
@EarlyBird is like any other twitter a/c, so its upto you to follow or not to follow. You will see earlybird tweets in your timeline, only when you follow earlybird account or someone in your following list retweets the tweets of earlybird.
Source: Twitter EarlyBird
I just wish, we don’t see those big failwhales often from now.
If you have a better idea for advertising, you can share it with @earlybird.
( But excuse me, doesn’t it sound like Amazon acquired, daily deals site Woot‘s business model ? )