Mani Karthik is a professional blogger and SEO Consultant from Cochin, India. And he had previously worked in a full time job, as a in-house SEO Specialist with an MNC for 5 years.
He has worked for many big companies so far, to help them optimize their website. You can see the list of them, in the about me section of, which is his primary blog.

Now without hurting your curiosity, here is the interview:
Satish: Please introduce yourself and about your online ventures, to our readers.
Mani: I’m an SEO / Social Media Consultant and a professional blogger. So that means I earn a living out of blogging and helping people sell things online with the help of SEO.
Satish: When did you start blogging seriously? What motivated you to choose internet business?
Mani: Started off back in my office days where I was working as in house SEO consultant. Started blogging as a part time fun thing, but it soon grew on me. Made many mistakes, and ultimately settled down with my blog, for which I’m known today.
Satish: Do you have any other day job (9 to 5 job)?
Mani: No.
Satish: With a popular SEO blog, you might be a busy man. How does your day look like?
Mani: Starts off with my regular work out, then scanning through emails and rss feeds, then blogging, tweeting, then SEO work, project reports , client calls and meetings. Then I hop on to social media and pretty much remain there till the end of day. I do keep a schedule and try to remain as organized as possible, but I also love it when I’m having a handful to deal and is overwhelmed with it.
Satish: 3 things that you consider a waste of time, which you do.
Mani: Nothing at the moment, but as I find something I’d be quick to quit it.
Satish: From your experience, what do you think are the 3 most misunderstood SEO myths?
Mani: The myths about link exchanges, meta information and page rank.
Satish: Your best 3 SEO tips ever.
1 – Build content that will force people to link to you.
2 – Build your brand on the Internet that your target audience won’t miss seeing.
3 – Develop authority to your domain.
Satish: With all these years of SEO consultancy experience, what are the common mistakes that you see your clients making on their blogs or business websites.
Mani: Lack of content. And sometimes people expect results to appear over the weekend. Also there are people who approach me after having done all possible black hat stuff and expecting a come back.
Satish: What’s your take on Twitter? Many people say that it’s a good marketing tool, while many others dislike calling Twitter as a marketing tool.
Mani: Its unfair to label twitter, because it has developed (by users) over the time into many forms starting from a simple communication device to many different uses. Like once the mobile was, its a communication tool for many, while some use it for tele calling, some even use it for texting, while some use it as a device to browse the web. Similarly Twitter is different things to different people.
For me, Twitter is a great tool to communicate and connect with like minded folks. And the good thing about it is that it isn’t complicated like many so called social networking sites.
Satish: Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious, Yahoo Buzz! etc — Order them according to your priority ?
Mani: Digg > SU > Mixx > Delicious > Reddit – But they are not on the same stage. Each of them have different character and uses, its just that I use one more than the other according to my preferences.
Satish: What are your 3 main strategies for blog promotion?
1 – Content.
2 – Brand.
3 – Communication.
Satish: What repels you the most from a blog/website(animation at your face advertising etc)?
Mani: Stale content.
Satish: Your tips, advice for newbie bloggers/webmasters.
Mani: Keep consistent, dont lose your cool. On the internet, success doesn’t happen overnight, its a gradual process. If you’re looking for making money overnight, try stock trading.
Satish: One more question of my personal interest.. I have heard the podcasts on your blog, they are really of high quality. What devices/hardware do you use for the purpose?
Mani: Skype and some free sound editing software like Audacity. I record all the podcasts/ video / talks from my Mac.
Some personal questions:-
Satish: Your Personal hobbies and interests?
Mani: Movies, music, and traveling.
Satish: Life before blogging, blogging life, where you want to see your blog in next 5 or 10 years time? And how do you feel about it.
Mani: After 5 years, I want to be doing the same thing as today and earning five times as of now. Honest.
Satish: Some of your life’s ambitions?
Mani: Setting up my own publishing agency.
Satish: How does your family and friends react when you say “I am working in Internet, from my Home!”
Mani: The reason I’m working from home is my family. I don’t want to be feeling guilty staying away from them, working for someone else. So they’re cool, in fact they help me very much with their support. Friends mostly don’t understand the idea except for the Internet savvy ones.
Satish: Please tell something, to all your fans and followers ..
Mani: Feel free to add me to your social networks.
We take this opportunity to thank Mani Karthik for the interview. And wish him a greater success in coming years.
Hope you have all enjoyed the interview and would practice, some of the practical things shared by Mani Karthik. Hope to hear your thoughts in the comment section.
Mani Karthik has moved his blog to a brand new domain called DailyBloggr, to focus on a broader topic. Make sure you visit the new site.