Google has finally come up with an official Adsense App for its own Android platform. This version of the app supports android smartphones. Shortly Google will be releasing v2 which will support tablets, Nexus devices, HTC One and high-end popular devices.

The Google AdSense app provides an easy way to access key data from your AdSense account. Access reporting features anywhere, directly from your mobile phone. The first version of the app gives you access to: the key earnings information, top custom and URL channels, ad units and sites reports, payment alerts.
We can set the earning report to autorefresh, along with its refresh rate/interval inside the app settings.
There are many third-party adsense apps on play store / Google Play, that lets you add widget, so that you could see your earnings and notifications instantly. I’m sure Google will offer widgets and more useful features with its upcoming version.
Till then, try Google AdSense App