So often we encounter with situations wherein we don’t find a way to accomplish things.
We find ourselves in blocks! People name it depending on their work – writers block, creativity block, productivity block etc
My Own Story
I was so much pumpedup with the idea of working online and making huge money to live a life with ultimate financial freedom 🙂
Read some success stories, took notes from their success stories: by then I knew, taking action is the key! Couldn’t wait to get started. I had all these wonderful ideas for blog posts. Wrote all those articles one after the other continuously and then started checking the stats and even replied to those spam comments, which said, I’m not able to subscribe to your blog etc 😛
After some days I had no more ideas to write. (I was new to blogging)
Later on switched topics. As human beings, we’ve interests in wide area of topics. So I had knowledge in other areas which I started sharing on my blog. Next again changed topic!
Later on, with experience learnt that sticking on to particular topic with a domain works out better!

Similar things happen in all the fields: Business, Personal life, Relationships etc
We set some expectations, we do something, we fail, and then we learn, next if we don’t quit- we excel.
Now I can almost write endlessly on the topics of my interest. I can see something special in everything I encounter, that I can share with my readers in a relevant manner.
“Once you master a craft you can recognize it in anything you do.”
Then what is this BLOCK people talk about ?
If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.
Possible Solution
Be solution oriented, and not problem oriented.
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein
Find out what you absolutely love doing:
Stop telling stories which support your excuses.
Know that it’s for your goodness that you need to find a way.
If you keep giving excuses you’ll be cheating no one but yourself.
Be conscious of your steps towards your goal: Take the first step first.
Don’t keep postponing things. Have proper strategies and execute your plans.
Good article ya