Feedburner announced socialize feature some days back – i.e., Tweet Your New Blog Posts from Feedburner, automatically.
If you have not yet activated this feature, and you are using some plugin to do this for you – then take 20 seconds off and enable this little handy feature.
Plugin’s consume bandwidth and need to be updated whenever there is an update available. If you don’t take time to update, then you are at some security threat.
So do not think of doing it some day, do it now itself and save lot more time later.
How to enable socialize feature
Click on Publicize tab. On the left side, you can see list of features, and you can also see “Socialize Publish to the social web” option. Click on it and the rest is self explanatory

The interesting thing here is, Google has started using its own URL shortner. And this may be the only disadvantage, as you might already have your favorite URL shortner or built one for your custom use across all your network’s of sites.
Google may soon start showing stats for the click through rate and the performance of the shortened URL. You can get the clue about this on goo.gl.
Some benefits would be
1. Google will surly start displaying the click through rates of shortened URLs.
2. It may soon integrate goo.gl into its analytics and hence we can get a detailed report of the performance of the shortened URLs.
3. Reliability and Speed matters: We have seen some of the popular URL shortners being unreliable due to its downtime, so we can expect reliable service from Google.
4. Socialize feature comes with lot of option to customize the tweets according to our needs.
- Select Account
- Formatting Options
- Post Content
- Hash Tags
- Additional Text
- Item Limit
- Keyword Filter
- Preview
Interesting option
We can use keywords to filter some of the tweets. i.e., Depending on keywords specified, feedburner decides whether to tweet or not to tweet about a particular post.
This feature will come in handy for those, who hesitate to promote their own content frequently and who do not want to tweet irrelevant tweets.
Duplicate tweets — be aware! and avoid before embarrassment
There is a option, in the “Item Selection” called Item limit. If you are posting multiple posts(8 posts) at once, then there is no problem. But if you post one or two (or less than 7) article(s) per day, then you must select the Item limit accordingly.
If you post only one article per day and you select the Item limit as 8, then the previously published articles will be tweeted again. i.e., you will be tweeting 7 articles published on your blog recently, other than the one you published on that day. This may annoy your followers. So be careful not to ignore this option.
So the Google is in the url shortening game also. Not strange, as current industry leaders couldn’t implement any worth statistical data…
@Web Design Beach, ya you are right. And also look at the speed with which the Google URL shortner website loads. I am sure the shortened URLs also load similarly.
Feedburner doesnt check no of clicks and often mixes it with other feedreader clicks. So for me, twitterfeed is best 🙂