It’s clearly evident that mobile phone usage has gone significantly high these years. I need not even try to prove that to anyone anymore. So I’ll leave that for your research – if you’re not yet convinced.
“If you think hiring an expert is expensive, wait till you see what an amateur costs.”
Our Experiment
We knew about mobile usage statistics and our own analytic showed that there is a huge percentage of traffic coming from mobile phones – that is mobile browser. So we wanted to give more personalized mobile experience for our users. Thus created a small mobile app for our own blog and the results were mind-boggling!

The revenue increased 216.9% compared to our previous revenue which came from mobile phones. 76.7% of the total traffic from our android app. This screenshot is of a 8 hour usage stats.
– Raju PP Editor and Founder
Check the premium app we developed for TechPP on Play Store (you’ll love it)
Clearly having dedicated mobile app would increase your traffic and revenue.
Cheap Stuffs
People kind of don’t take this seriously and hire someone for $10 or $20 to integrate their already existing weblog pages into a frame and compile it, upload it to play store and call it their professional mobile app.
This kind of apps has a lot of drawbacks and this is just webpage scrapping. Which does consume lot of data for your app users. And more often than not, it has loading problems or extra flickering or crashing issues on many devices. Whats the use of something which has least accessibility? If you’re paying for it, it must be usable/accessible on most of the devices.
With the release of newer versions of android and improved play store policy these kind of apps are going to get washed away in the drain. Better take care while there is still chance. Would you get these apps which make your user experience worst? This would also hinder your opportunity to earn more with mobile advertising. You’ll be really glad you invested in a mobile app, after looking at your (mobile ad revenue) earnings – if monetizing is your option of course.
Our Service
We would build an app for your website – we won’t scrap your pages and show it inside the app. We’ll professionally do the app and show you the power of real coding. Rest assured your audience will have good user experience and they’ll love the simplicity and straightforwardness of the application.
Someone made an Android app for Zen Habits:
— Leo Babauta (@zen_habits) April 22, 2016
What you’ll get?
We’ll deliver an apk file which you need to upload to your Play Store account.
What will it cost me?
It takes about 5-7 days of hard work to make your app. We usually charge INR 10000 or $170 to build this kind of app – which is already a great deal. We love and blogging – so we’re opening this service to everyone with an introductory offer. So we would charge INR 3000 or $49 for this service – make use of this huge 110.5% discount and release your brand new android app on play store.
Secret: You’ll make $49 and a lot more from your app very soon – even if you just have 100 real regular users. So concentrate on building loyal readers, get them to stick with your blog. Provide maximum value in your field than anyone else in the market. Create raving fans for your brand.
1. We’ll list 8 recent articles on the homepage and user can navigate to older blog posts.
2. Clear reading experience with bigger fonts on article page.
3. Facility to bookmark the article and read later from bookmarks section.
4. Cache the recently viewed article for offline reading.
5. List of pages.
6. Search facility.
7. List posts based on Category.
8. List posts by author/contributor.
9. Invite others to your app via WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, SMS, Email.
Option to rate your app.
10. Facility to directly share your posts and pages with others from inside the app via – WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email etc.
11. Branding your blog with your logo in menu section.
12. Integrate your mobile ad units inside the app and help you optimize it for maximum earnings + integrate real-time analytics.
All these without scrapping your blog pages. And not integrating your theme inside the app – which creates a lot of problems/incompatibilities.
Push Notification
This is so important that we decided not to simply include it inside our features list. If you know even a little bit about mobile apps you might already know how push notifications work and how it’ll bring in more traffic(and revenue) to your site. Initially we thought lets send out push notification each time there is a new article published. But after some survey and time+money consuming research we came to know that – people will uninstall the app or snooze it permanently if they start getting more than 2 notification in wrong time. Thus we decided to opt-out of it. The effective alternative – we decided to have local notification enabled for the app once in 15 days(we can change it for your app according to your needs and frequency of publishing). This way you’ll never be billed by push notification service provider – as we’re not using it. And your users get to choose when to read or when not to read your content. And if they forget about your app, we remind them about it once every 15 days or so to read new content. This seems to be the most effective way for our apps so far.
We’ve tried both push notification and local notifications in our apps and guess what, local notification wins most of the time with its efficiency. But if it’s a necessary for your app, we’ll implement push notification.
Premium Features:
1. Featured images scrolling on the homepage.
2. Image at the top of each post.
3. Enabling users to set notification preferences.
4. Infinite scrolling feature on the homepage.
5. Show and Hide the navigation bar on top of each post page.
* Helping with making your app live on Google Play Store.
Are there any limitations?
We want to be straightforward and don’t want to hide anything from our customers. Yes, there are some limitations. The Chromium engine present inside mobile phones currently doesn’t support playing YouTube videos directly inside the app. Since people are used to embedding YouTube videos inside the content we don’t want to parse entire content for YouTube links and then use special code to play it inside the app. This would take considerable phone memory and might even crash some older devices. Its better if you can link to YouTube videos below the embed code, so that people can click the link and watch your videos – this is also good for SEO.
If you have linked to images using relative path in your posts then images won’t show up. If you’ve used default image uploader and linking mechanism then you need not worry about this.
Demo App
We understand that every one of us want to see it before we make the buying decision. We understand our customers, thus have built an app for demo. You can download this and have a look for yourself: App
I want more ..
Please look at the Demo app first and then let us know if you want any changes. We could change things like header color, menu color, background color, text color, increase or decrease font size, remove or add some menu items etc all these free for the first version. If you need changes in the future, you’ll need to pay us $10 or INR 600 for any changes.
Yes, I want to invest in this service
Mail ID:
You’ll need to send me an email with the title “Android App Service” and please mention all these details: [ Note: we’re processing customer requests on first come first serve basis. ]
Your real name, Your blog URL, any color changes or font size changes you need, menu list item changes, your payment or transaction ID.
Payment Details
PayPal ID:
Bank Details:
Payee Name: SATISH B
Bank Name: State Bank of India(SBI)
a/c no: 31596392372
IFSC Code: SBIN0007356
City: Davangere
State: Karnataka
Country: India
Update: It would take 7 to 10 days to deliver your app as we are getting huge requests for this service, with this introductory price of $49. We still want to continue to provide this service for our introductory price as a ‘thank you‘ note for your continued support. We’ll be providing this service at $170 once the initial batch of service is finished.
Premium app cost starts from $220