Adsense is by far the biggest and one of the best ad networks available so far. But we’ve had always heard bad things about its support. The automated machine generated reply publishers got were not of much use to solve their concern. Google does hear it’s users voice! Finally we have Direct email support from adsense team.

Criteria to qualify for this direct email support?
You must be constantly earning $25 or more each week! hmm ..not bad, because there are millions of adsense publishers and a large number of them might have silly doubts about working of adsense – which is already explained in detail in the help center, adsense blog etc.
From Adsense Team
Publishers earning more than US$25 (or local equivalent) per week on a consistent basis will be eligible for email support, which they can request via a form in the Help Center. Publishers can see if they qualify for email support and contact one of our specialists.
We look at earnings over the past 5 weeks and focus on longer-term earning trends when assigning support level. This helps prevent publishers from moving between support options too frequently. Publishers who have fluctuations in their earnings that take them above and below US$25 per week may not qualify for higher levels of support until earnings are consistently above US$25.
You could choose a category of concern. If the resource Google provides does not resolve your issue, you’ll see a button to Email a member of adsense support team directly.
Check if you are eligible for direct email support by visiting Help Center and clicking on the email us link.