landing-page A Blog For Bloggers Sat, 26 Jun 2010 00:57:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 9687185 New AdSense Ad format(s) – YouTube, Twitter Integration Thu, 24 Jun 2010 22:12:04 +0000 We have seen Adsense ads with YouTube videos integrated, which play on the same page when clicked. But these are somewhat different in their looks, and do not play videos on the same page, instead takes the visitor to a YouTube URL which is formated like a nice landing page. Here are some screen shots. … Continue reading "New AdSense Ad format(s) – YouTube, Twitter Integration"

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We have seen Adsense ads with YouTube videos integrated, which play on the same page when clicked. But these are somewhat different in their looks, and do not play videos on the same page, instead takes the visitor to a YouTube URL which is formated like a nice landing page.

Here are some screen shots. We found these ads on our blog too and had taken screen shots a month back.


And recently we also heard of a ad format containing Twitter tweets extracted from rss feed of the advertisers twitter a/c. Here are the images:


“Google Twitter Ad” News Source(s): searchengineland and qualite.

The ad is interactive in that you can click the right and left arrows to see previous tweets from that account. You can also click on the Twitter avatar and name, plus the “Follow me on Twitter” link to be taken to that person’s Twitter URL.

The ad itself is connected to the advertiser´s Twitter account and rotates the latest tweets from this account. The only clickable parts of the ad are the logo, the Twitter-username, the text ”Follow me on Twitter” and the URL to the Twitter-profile. The goal with the ad format is to recruit more followers for the advertiser´s Twitter-profile.

Update: We found these ads ourselves on Google’s social networking site – Orkut. I have tried my best to capture the video.

Google has not officially said anything specifically about these ad formats, but it is said to have been testing some new ad formats to help advertisers get better exposure.


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