Features https://technotip.org A Blog For Bloggers Tue, 26 Feb 2013 06:24:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 9687185 10 Most Useful Features of the Nikon DSLR D3000 Camera https://technotip.org/10-most-useful-features-of-the-nikon-dslr-d3000-camera/ https://technotip.org/10-most-useful-features-of-the-nikon-dslr-d3000-camera/#comments Thu, 09 Sep 2010 19:27:35 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=4276 This is a guest post by Roger Elmore. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Among good digital cameras, Nikon’s digital SLR D3000 is a great entry-level piece that is a popular upgrade option for those who want more than a cheap point-and-shoot can offer. So far the … Continue reading "10 Most Useful Features of the Nikon DSLR D3000 Camera"

The post 10 Most Useful Features of the Nikon DSLR D3000 Camera first appeared on Technotip.org.

This is a guest post by Roger Elmore. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.

Among good digital cameras, Nikon’s digital SLR D3000 is a great entry-level piece that is a popular upgrade option for those who want more than a cheap point-and-shoot can offer. So far the peskiest thing about it is that you don’t get live view. However, that’s not to say the D3000 doesn’t have some cool features. Here we will explore some of the features that make the D3000 one of the most versatile digital cameras available to those who are newly expanding their skills in photography.


1. Guide mode: Most individuals who purchase the D3000 are doing so to begin dabbling in high-end digital photography, and their primary intention is to take casual, high-quality photos. The great thing about the D3000 is that you can adjust the mode dial at the top of the camera to “Guide.” This mode is a great help to folks who aren’t sure what camera setting they need to use to get the results they’re wanting. Guide mode helps beginners learn how to use the more advanced features of the D3000, such as freezing motion and softening backgrounds.

2. 3-inch LCD screen: The D3000 features a 3-inch LCD screen monitor which helps you get a better visualization of the image you’re trying to capture. Compare this to Nikon’s older models, such as the D60, which features screens at 2.5 inches, or to a point-and-shoot, which often have very grainy screens. You can also adjust the brightness of your screen, which is handy.

3. 11-point auto-focus system: The cool thing about this feature on the D3000 is the autofocus (AF) system, which helps you capture fast-moving images, provided you’re using a lens that is compatible with the system. There are also 4 AF modes: one for still objects, one for moving objects, one that lets the camera decide, and one for 3-D tracking.

4. 10.2 megapixels: The D3000 is a major step up from a basic point-and-shoot because of how many megapixels (MP) it offers. While basic digital cameras only allow you 5 or 6 MP, the D3000 allows you a whopping 10.2 MP. While this many megapixels won’t really matter if you only plan to make small 4×6 prints, it matters a great deal if you want to blow up your images and have large prints made. 10.2 MP will allow the quality of your prints to remain consistent even if you blow up a print as large as 20×30 inches.

5. Compact size: The D3000 will definitely not weigh you down the camera body is both lightweight and compact, fitting easily and comfortably into your hand. This is a great feature for beginners who often get intimidated by chunky, complicated equipment.

6. In-camera photo editing: This feature will save you a little time if you like to edit and print your images at home. You can get the basic photo editing done beforehand using the D3000, which allows you to get rid of red eye, trim photos and use a soft filter. The cool thing is you won’t lose your original photo if you don’t want to the camera will save the edited copy of your photo separately. It’s not wow-your-socks-off amazing, but it’s definitely helpful.

7. Multiple Modes: I already elaborated on the guide mode, but the mode dial also has lots of other modes that help you take low-light shots, sports action photos, close-ups, portraits and landscape photos.

8. Fast, continuous shoot: The D3000 can capture 3 frames per second. This is useful if you find yourself about to capture an emerging moment that can be lost in a matter of seconds.

9. Active D-Lighting: The D3000 takes a teensy bit of time before the shot “takes” to improve contrasts in a picture if you use Active D-Lighting. This helps get rid of pesky shadows and overwhelming glares and gives images a more balanced look. You can turn it off if you don’t like it, because sometimes this feature messes up what you’re trying to do with photos.

10. Leaving in “noise”: The D3000 doesn’t get rid of “noise” random color speckles at higher sensitivities, e.g., long exposures, leaving the images free to keep fine detail instead of automatically reducing them. You can do a lot of cool long exposure shots for a low-end camera because the camera isn’t constantly correcting what you’re trying to do.

This guest post is contributed by Roger Elmore.

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10 Best Features of iOS 4 for Business https://technotip.org/10-best-features-of-ios-4-for-business/ https://technotip.org/10-best-features-of-ios-4-for-business/#respond Mon, 16 Aug 2010 16:29:31 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=4228 This is a guest post by James. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. The business features of iOS 4 will make your iPhone the most valuable tool in your arsenal. With new features like multitasking, VPN connectivity and enterprise solutions, individuals can leave the office and still … Continue reading "10 Best Features of iOS 4 for Business"

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This is a guest post by James. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.

The business features of iOS 4 will make your iPhone the most valuable tool in your arsenal. With new features like multitasking, VPN connectivity and enterprise solutions, individuals can leave the office and still be connected. Here are ten of iOS 4’s best business features.


1. Multitasking
You are now able to perform limited multitasking with your iPhone. You can read your mail and have music playing in the background. With the addition of more applications that use this feature, your mobile device will gain more functionality.

2. Organize your applications into folders
You can place up to twelve applications into a folder to keep them safe. If you have different types of apps, the folders make it easier for you to find them. Your home page will have to find other ways to be cluttered.

3. Unified inbox
With a unified inbox, you can combine all of your email accounts within a single application. You do not have to be concerned about missing messages or tasks. You can also thread your messages, making your inbox easier to read.

4. Internal Spell checking
No more worries about misspelling words within email and applications. IOS 4 introduced a spellchecker that is usable through third party applications. You still have to proofread your documents.

5. Geolocation and Digital Zoom
Using the GPS function on your mobile device, iOS 4 allows you to tag the photos that you take on a map. This is another great method for categorization. The digital zoom feature will let you take close ups of your favorite employees and locations. You also have the ability to use zoom within your videos.

6. Messages are improved
You can search through your text messages and see a timeline of the messages that occurred. All of your typed messages are recorded for speedy search and recovery. There is also a character count feature which you can activate to get a better idea of the text limits of the platforms which you’re working with.

7. Photo resizer
The resizer will crunch the photos that you plan to send via email. When you are emailing pictures, you want them to be tiny, clear and easily transmitted. This is a great way of handling the need to have smaller file sizes in the email.

8. Enterprise applications
Your email can be encrypted and sent to employees within your company. You can obtain mobile device management on your server which gives you the ability to let all employees download iPhone apps without having to go through the Apple store.

9. Easily add events to iCal
Times and dates in your email have links which you can easily add to your schedule in iCal. There is no need to leave the program that you are in, it is fully integrated. This feature is great for people whose itinerary is constantly changing.

10. VPN Connection
Connect to your VPN from anywhere through your iPhone using this feature of iOS4. The passwords are more secure for all applications with this operating system. Business professionals can be more efficient with their iPhones because they can now connect directly to the office.

The features of iOS 4 can make you more productive with the use of the iPhone. With the organizational features and the tiny tweaks that Apple has done, you can take your iOS 4 with you to the next level.

James works for a UK-based store offering ink supplies for businesses. He spends much of his time reviewing hardware like the Epson T0715 as well as posting on their blog when time permits.

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The 10 Most Useful Features of iOS 4 https://technotip.org/the-10-most-useful-features-of-ios-4/ https://technotip.org/the-10-most-useful-features-of-ios-4/#respond Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:49:26 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=4134 This is a guest post by James Adams. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. The new OS for the iPhone promised to bring many new features to the table, further positioning the sleek little gadget as the best in the world. You can send email, play games, … Continue reading "The 10 Most Useful Features of iOS 4"

The post The 10 Most Useful Features of iOS 4 first appeared on Technotip.org.

This is a guest post by James Adams. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
The new OS for the iPhone promised to bring many new features to the table, further positioning the sleek little gadget as the best in the world. You can send email, play games, and call friends, but iOS 4 allows you to do it more easily. Here are just ten of the new features.
1. Custom Dictionary
Are you constantly seeing words that are spelled correctly highlighted because they are in your field? Now, you have a custom dictionary at your disposal. The dictionary has been updated in iOS 4 to rival the one that was issued for the iPad. You can add your new words to the OS’ dictionary.

2. Folders
With folders, you can put your iPhone applications together based on the criteria that you specify. You don’t have to bother with the clutter of having applications everywhere. You can even custom name the folders.

3. Email Scheduling
Don’t worry about going through the hassle of shutting down your mail application just to open your calendar. You can do these tasks simultaneously with the new OS. You can have your email open and then open a new application simultaneously to set a date in your calendar.

4. YouTube Zoom and Rotate
Now you can choose the way that you want your YouTube videos played. If you want to show everything in portrait mode, you have that option available. You can use the portrait mode for small clips to get a taste of the video and then shift to landscape to get the best picture. You are also able to zoom in on the parts that you want to get a better view.

5. Locking Rotation
This feature allows you to pick an orientation and have your iPhone stay with it. You will no longer have to contend with applications firing up without your permission. You can lock your iPhone with the press of a few buttons, and release it just as easily.

6. iBooks
You can shop for books any time that you want to on the iPhone. iBooks gives you a virtual library at your fingertips, making downloading new books fast and easy. Whether you’re on the road or just sitting at home, you’ll always have a book to read.

7. Web and Wikipedia Search
At one time, you could only search internally through email. Once you’ve put iOS 4 on your phone, you can search through Wikipedia and the Web to find all of the things that you need. This makes the iPhone even more of a must-have gadget.

8. Continuous Wi-Fi
Your iPhone will now stay connected so you don’t have to go back and forth with restarting applications. Your music will keep playing in the background if you’re streaming. Your Skype will stay up even when the phone itself goes dark.

9. Photo Rotation
Take the photos that you want, then resize them to your needs. Your pictures can be resized to four sizes: small, medium, large or actual size. You can rotate the pictures to your pleasure, customizing it for easier transportability.

10. Playlists
Playlists are now available to the iPhone users using the iOS 4. You can create a playlist, add or remove songs, and arrange your music to your liking. You can control your music more easily at the touch of a button.

With the new iOS 4 features, you have more functionality at your fingertips. Check them out at your own risk, you might be playing with your iPhone for hours.

This article is contributed by James who is a staff writer at a leading supplier of ink cartridges where he covers new product releases such as the HP 901XL ink cartridge as well as writing about art and design on their blog.

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On April 1st 2009, GMail turned 5 https://technotip.org/on-april-1st-2009-gmail-turned-5/ https://technotip.org/on-april-1st-2009-gmail-turned-5/#comments Fri, 03 Apr 2009 09:35:26 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=2162 Its not an April Fool prank. Google might have also found it quite embarrassing to put the Birth Day doodle on Google.com yesterday(on 1st of April). But sometimes GMail seem to be making fool out of us, by showing errors, mainly while using the lab apps! Anyway, GMail is still in BETA, so no complaints! … Continue reading "On April 1st 2009, GMail turned 5"

The post On April 1st 2009, GMail turned 5 first appeared on Technotip.org.

Its not an April Fool prank. Google might have also found it quite embarrassing to put the Birth Day doodle on Google.com yesterday(on 1st of April).
But sometimes GMail seem to be making fool out of us, by showing errors, mainly while using the lab apps! Anyway, GMail is still in BETA, so no complaints!

Five years ago, before Gmail was launched it was just used for the internal messaging requirement in Google Inc. Later with the users request and a lot of inconvenience with other mailing services(mainly for storage), Google decided to take the step towards email service, which mainly aimed at providing faster and spacious mail box to each user.

Even though GMail is still in its Beta, it has improved a lot from its initial days, making its users more and more lazy by adding more and more features which lessens our job 🙂
From its simple text based plain emailing feature to the newly added video chat. From its invite only to, open to general public. Every move seem to be have taken more carefully and thus making it our favorite email service 🙂 ..ok most of our favorite mailing service. I have seen most of the bloggers use GMail and are addicted to check their mail 5 to 6 times a day. Crazy, isn’t it ? And orkut, FaceBook, communities having millions of GMail fans. With all these crazy fans and useful apps, service, GMail turns 5. We wish GMail and GMail team a brighter future ahead.


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Gifted Myself A Brand New HTC 3452 https://technotip.org/new-htc-3452-pda-firstlook/ https://technotip.org/new-htc-3452-pda-firstlook/#comments Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:41:27 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=1770 If you are following me on twitter then you might already know that I have bought a Brand New HTC 3452 on Maha Shivaratri.
The heavy box comes with:
HTC Touch phone[1 GB card included],Handsfree — Earphone,USB Cable,1 Battery,2 stylus [1 in the phone and 1 extra],Case/pouch,Travel Charger,Manual,CD Rom.
Features Include:..Pros/Cons

The post Gifted Myself A Brand New HTC 3452 first appeared on Technotip.org.

If you are following me on twitter then you might already know that I have bought a Brand New HTC 3452 on Maha Shivaratri.
Accessories HTC 3452 Pocket PC
The heavy box comes with:
HTC Touch phone[1 GB card included].
Handsfree — Earphone.
USB Cable.
1 Battery.
2 stylus [1 inside the phone and 1 extra].
Travel Charger.
CD Rom.
HTC 3452 PocketPC
Features Include:
General Network GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Size Dimensions 99.9 x 58 x 13.9 mm
Weight 112 g
Display Type TFT touchscreen, 65K colors
Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.8 inches
– TouchFLO finger swipe navigation
– Handwriting recognition
– 5-way navigation
Ringtones Type Polyphonic (40 channels), MP3
Customization Download,
Vibration Yes
Memory Phonebook In shared memory, Photo call
Call records Yes
Card slot microSD (TransFlash), 1 GB card included,
– 64 MB RAM, 128 MB ROM
– TI OMAP 850, 201 MHz
Data GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 – 48 kbps
3G No
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11b/g
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0
Infrared port No
USB Yes, miniUSB
Features: OS Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional
Messaging :SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (PocketIE)
Games :Yes,
Colors: Soft Black, Wasabi Green
Camera: 2 MP, 1600×1200 pixels, video
– Pocket Office(Word, Excel, Outlook, PDF viewer)
– Java MIDP 2.0
– Voice memo
– MP3/AAC player
– Video/audio album
– Built-in handsfree
Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion 1100 mAh
Stand-by Up to 200 h
Talk time Up to 5hrs

First Impression about the phone is very good. The best thing is its looks!
Its small and looks sexy. Anybody who go for looks while purchasing pocket PC can look at HTC 3452 once, I am sure you will be impressed.

Previously HTC had released HTC 3450 which is a slower device, so they upgraded RAM and ROM(almost doubled) and called it HTC 3452. If you want any advice to choose between HTC 3452 and 3450, then we recommend HTC 3452(obviously!).

Lock/Unlock ???
Will this phone work with Vodafone or Airtel etc?
I am in India and I am using Spice/Idea and its working great. And I am sure that, the phone will even support Airtel, Vodafone, Aircel etc, in India. No need to struggle to unlock.
If you are staying outside India, then you need to refer your service providers website or contact customer care to know whether their service support the phone. Or you can leave a comment below this article(please specify your country and more details) and someone may answer you soon. I will also try my best to solve your problem.

Good things first!:
1. Very Good looking Design.

2. Good screen clarity.

3. Speed is almost doubled when compared to HTC 2340.

4. Very simple to use. I have used many pocket PCs, but this one is smallest and simplest and still effective.

5. If you are using HTC 3452 or 3450, then please list some of your experiences in the comment section. I am new to HTC and I still need some time to know more about it….

The Down side of the phone is:
1. It does not have a physical keyboard. It has a very good onscreen keyboard, which works amazingly good. But nothing can beat the physical keypads present in my previous phone Nokia 6630.

2. It has a very good speaker which is placed backside of the phone! So, its not so audible when placed on a table with its screen facing upwards.

3. I was not able to sync the device with my computer and after struggling for some hours I could find the culprit as USB cable which came with the phone. Just used the USB cable of my camera and I was able to sync my phone with the computer with in some seconds. [Hope this happened due to some fault in the cable which I have, and may not happen to others].

Small Size HTC 3452 PocketPC
4. Ear Phone and outspeaker sound quality is not upto the mark.
5. Very small..This can be advantage for some and disadvantage for some. But before arguing, you need to first look at its size. Its very small, and sometimes may sound like a problem.

I decided to buy HTC 3452 because iPhone is too costly in India. And HTC has some good reputation and 3452 can impress anybody 🙂
And while choosing a mobile, do not just see for the list of features that the device has, see for the things which you want and need frequently. If you are a blogger you may need some of the features like Word Processor, PDF readers, and some others(these can be obtained by installing some software, but the phone should support it.) This is just an example. But not all individuals have same needs and wants, so look for the features which you want. — Just my 2 cents.

I will write more about HTC 3452 on this blog, on Saturday and Sunday’s. So that my regular readers who are not interested in HTC phones won’t get bugged up. And for people who are interested in HTC phones can read some tips,tricks about using the phone on Sunday or Saturday.
If you have not yet subscribed to our free email/rss subscription..then please use below form to get the latest updates directly to your inbox.


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Create your New Yahoo! profile https://technotip.org/yahoo-profile-new-features/ https://technotip.org/yahoo-profile-new-features/#comments Sun, 16 Nov 2008 06:36:55 +0000 http://technotip.org/?p=1205 Yahoo! is popular for its email and IM services, so having a Yahoo! profile seems more interesting. Some of the good features in Yahoo! profile are: 1. We can now invite our friends by importing our contacts from Yahoomail and messenger. This is a cool feature. 2. We can set the status message. — Since … Continue reading "Create your New Yahoo! profile"

The post Create your New Yahoo! profile first appeared on Technotip.org.

Yahoo! is popular for its email and IM services, so having a Yahoo! profile seems more interesting.

Some of the good features in Yahoo! profile are:
1. We can now invite our friends by importing our contacts from Yahoomail and messenger. This is a cool feature.

2. We can set the status message. — Since twitter has been so popular, this status message feature has also become a must feature in many social networking sites.

3. We can write about me section here too 🙂

4. There is a nice “Guest Book” in everybodies profile – Giving it some more touch, for social networking.

5. Drag and drop the “Guest Book”, “Connections, “Updates”, “About me” boxes in your profile and place it according to your wish.

6. You can share the Updates of “Yahoo! 360”, “Yahoo! Avatars”, “Yahoo! Buzz”, “Yahoo! Shine”, ”
Personal Info” with your contacts in Yahoo profile. You get the option to determine what to share and what not to.

7. People can now find you(search for your profile) and add you as friend. And you can opt to get an email notification when there is some activity in your profile. And you can opt it out too! .You can search for new/old friends by just searching for their Name or email address.

8. You can set the permission for, who can see your updates and who should not see your latest updates.

9. And there is an interesting feature called “Connection Suggestion”, which automatically suggests some of the contacts from our email. These are people you communicate with a lot in Yahoo! Mail, or who you added to Yahoo! Contacts or your Messenger List.

10. For security concern Yahoo! has also given the option to make our profile public or private.

You can add me to your Yahoo! profile contact — technotip.org!


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